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Abstract. We prove that the roots of a smooth monic polynomial with

complex-valued coefficients defined on a bounded Lipschitz domain Ω in Rm

admit a parameterization by functions of bounded variation uniformly with

respect to the coefficients. This result is best possible in the sense that discon-

tinuities of the roots are in general unavoidable due to monodromy. We showthat the discontinuity set can be chosen to be a finite union of smooth hyper-

surfaces. On its complement the parameterization of the roots is of optimal

Sobolev class W 1,p for all 1 ≤ p < nn−1

, where n is the degree of the polyno-

mial. All discontinuities are jump discontinuities. For all this we require the

coefficients to be of class Ck−1,1(Ω), where k is a positive integer depending

only on n and m. The order of differentiability k is not optimal. However, inthe case of radicals, i.e., for the solutions of the equation Zr = f , where f is

a complex-valued function and r ∈ R>0, we obtain optimal uniform bounds.


1. Introduction 12. Discontinuity due to monodromy 63. Generic integrability along level sets 104. Background on functions of bounded variation 135. Proof of Theorem 1.4 186. Formulas for the roots 197. Proof of Theorem 1.1 218. A local computation 26Appendix A. Sobolev regularity of continuous roots 30References 31

1. Introduction

1.1. The main results. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be an open set and let

Pa(x)(Z) = Pa(x)(Z) = Zn +


aj(x)Zn−j , x ∈ Ω, (1.1)

Date: January 23, 2020.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 26C10, 26B30, 26A46, 26D10, 26D15, 30C15,

46E35.Key words and phrases. Roots of smooth polynomials, radicals of smooth functions, selections

of bounded variation, discontinuities due to monodromy.Supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Grant P 26735-N25, by ANR project LISA

(ANR-17-CE40-0023-03), and by ERC advanced grant 320845 SCAPDE..1

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be a monic polynomial with complex-valued coefficients a = (a1, . . . , an) : Ω→ Cn.The roots of Pa form a multi-valued function Λ : Ω ; C. If a is of Holder classCn−1,1(Ω), then Λ is of Sobolev class W 1,p(Ω), for all 1 ≤ p < n

n−1 , in the sense

of Almgren [2] (see also [16]), and this result is sharp. This follows from the mainresult of our recent paper [33]; see [33, Theorem 6].

In this paper we study the existence of regular selections and parameterizationsof the multi-valued function Λ. The point-image Λ(x), for x ∈ Ω, is the unordered n-tuple consisting of the roots of Pa(x) (with multiplicities). A parameterization of Λis an n-tuple λ = (λ1, . . . , λn) of single-valued functions such that λ(x) representsΛ(x) for all x ∈ Ω. A selection of Λ(x) is a single-valued function µ such thatµ(x) ∈ Λ(x) for all x ∈ Ω, or equivalently Pa(x)(µ(x)) = 0.

The main result of [33] states that any continuous selection of the roots of Pa,where a ∈ Cn−1,1(I,Cn) and I is an open bounded interval in R, is of class W 1,p(I),for all 1 ≤ p < n

n−1 , uniformly with respect to coefficients. This result is optimal.It is not hard to see that in this one-dimensional case there always exist continuousparameterizations of the roots (e.g. [23, Ch. II Theorem 5.2]).

As a consequence, any continuous selection µ : V → C of a root of Pa, wherea ∈ Cn−1,1(Ω,Cn), Ω is a Lipschitz domain, and V ⊆ Ω is an open subset, is ofclass W 1,p(V ), for all 1 ≤ p < n

n−1 (see Theorem A.1). But, for dimension m ≥ 2,monodromy in general prevents the existence of continuous selections of roots onΩ. So it is natural to ask:

Can the roots of a polynomial (1.1) with coefficients in a differen-tiability class of sufficiently high order be represented by functionsof bounded variation?

Functions of bounded variation (BV ) are integrable functions whose distribu-tional derivative is a vector-valued finite Radon measure. They form an algebra ofdiscontinuous functions. Due to their ability to deal with discontinuities they arewidely used in the applied sciences, see e.g. [24].

Our main result gives a positive answer to the above question:

Theorem 1.1. For all integers n,m ≥ 2 there exists an integer k = k(n,m) ≥max(n,m) such that the following holds. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded Lipschitzdomain and let (1.1) be a monic polynomial with complex-valued coefficients a =(a1, . . . , an) ∈ Ck−1,1(Ω,Cn).

Then the roots of Pa admit a parameterization λ = (λ1, . . . , λn) by special func-tions of bounded variation (SBV ) on Ω such that

‖λ‖BV (Ω) ≤ C(n,m,Ω) max

1, ‖a‖L∞(Ω)


1, ‖a‖Ck−1,1(Ω)

. (1.2)

There is a finite collection of Ck−1-hypersurfaces Ej in Ω such that λ is continuousin the complement of E :=

⋃j Ej. Any hypersurface Ej is closed in an open subset

of Ω but possibly not in Ω itself. All discontinuities of λ are jump discontinuities.

Note that we do not claim that the discontinuity hypersurfaces Ej have finite(m−1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure (Hm−1). Actually we construct an example,see Example 2.4, where this is not possible.

If n = 1 then the problem has a trivial solution λ = −a1. If n ≥ 2 and m = 1,then the problem was solved in [33]. In both cases the roots admit continuousparameterizations.

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A function of bounded variation is called special (SBV ) if the Cantor part ofits derivative vanishes; for precise definitions and background on BV -functions werefer to Section 4.

Remark 1.2. The dependence of k onm stems from the use of Sard’s theorem. Thedependence of the constant C on Ω originates from the use of Whitney’s extensiontheorem (see Section 3.2) and also from the trivial bound ‖λ‖L1(Ω) ≤ |Ω| ‖λ‖L∞(Ω).

It is well-known that max1≤i≤n |λi(x)| ≤ 2 max1≤j≤n |aj(x)|1/j for all x (cf. [27,p.56] or [34, (8.1.11)]).

Together with Theorem A.1 of Appendix A we immediately obtain the followingsupplement.

Corollary 1.3. The parameterization λ satisfies

‖λ‖W 1,p(Ω\E) ≤ C(n,m, p,Ω) max1≤j≤n


for all 1 ≤ p < nn−1 .

For radicals, i.e., solutions of Zr = f , where we allow r ∈ R>0, we have betterbounds:

Theorem 1.4. Let r ∈ R>0 and m ∈ N≥2. Let k ∈ N and α ∈ (0, 1] be such that

k+α ≥ maxr,m. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Let f ∈ Ck,α(Ω).Then there exists a solution λ ∈ SBV (Ω) of the equation Zr = f such that

‖λ‖BV (Ω) ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/rCk,α(Ω)

. (1.4)

There is a Ck-hypersurface E ⊆ Ω (possibly empty) such that λ is continuous onΩ \ E and satisfies ∇λ ∈ Lpw(Ω \ E) for

p =

rr−1 if r > 1,

∞ if r ≤ 1 and r−1 ∈ N,r−1−1

r−1−1−1 if r < 1 and r−1 6∈ N.

We have

‖∇λ‖Lpw(Ω\E) ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/rCk,α(Ω)

, (1.5)

and ˆE

|f |1/r dHm−1 ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/rCk,α(Ω)

. (1.6)

All discontinuities are jump discontinuities.

Here Lpw(V ) denotes the weak Lebesgue space equipped with the quasinorm‖ · ‖Lpw(V ) and x is the fractional part of x ∈ R. This result is optimal as followsfrom Remark 2.6: in general, ∇λ 6∈ Lp, even if λ is continuous and f is real analytic,and λ need not have bounded variation if f is only of class C`,β whenever `+β < r.

Remark 1.5. In the case that r = n is an integer, a complete parameterization ofthe roots of Zn = f is provided by θkλ, k = 0, . . . , n− 1, where θ = e2πi/n.

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1.2. Background. The problem of determining the optimal regularity of the rootsof univariate monic polynomials whose coefficients depend smoothly on parametershas a long and rich history. Its systematic investigation probably started withRellich’s work on the perturbation theory of symmetric operators in the 1930s[40, 41, 42, 42, 43, 44], see also his monograph [45]. This line of research culminatedwith Kato’s monograph [23]. But the regularity problem of the eigenvalues ofsymmetric, Hermitian, and even normal matrices/operators behaves much betterin many aspects than the related problem of choosing regular roots of smoothfamilies of polynomials; see [38] for a survey of the known results.

The regularity of square roots of non-negative smooth functions was first stud-ied by Glaeser [22]. The general case of hyperbolic polynomials (i.e. all roots arereal) plays a crucial role for the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic partial differen-tial equations with multiple characteristics. The central result is this connectionis Bronshtein’s theorem [8]: every continuous choice of the roots of a hyperbolicmonic polynomial of degree n with Cn−1,1-coefficients is locally Lipschitz. Notethat there always is a continuous parameterization of the roots in this case, e.g., byordering them increasingly. Variations on this fundamental result (and its proof)appeared in [29], [51], [1], [25], [5], [6], [50], [7], [13], [31].

The complex (i.e. not necessarily hyperbolic) counterpart, which is the problemat the center of this paper, was considered for the first time (for radicals) by Colom-bini, Jannelli, and Spagnolo [11]. Motivated by the analysis of certain systems ofpseudo-differential equations Spagnolo [47] asked if the roots of a smooth curveof monic polynomials admit a parameterization by locally absolutely continuousfunctions. This conjecture was proved in our papers [32] and [33] which are basedon the solution for radicals due to Ghisi and Gobbino [21]. The optimal Sobolevregularity of the roots, which was already mentioned above, was established in [33]by elementary methods. Its precursor [32] in which the optimal bounds were stillmissing was based on Hironaka’s resolution of singularities. We wish to mentionthat absolute continuity of the roots was also shown in [14] by different methods;for polynomials of degree n ≤ 3 it is due to [46]. As already pointed out, a curveI 3 t 7→ Pa(t), where I ⊆ R is an interval, always admits a continuous parameter-ization of its roots. Further contributions with partial solutions appeared in [49],[12], [10], [35], [36], [37], [39].

The results of this paper complete this analysis and solve Open Problem 3 posedin [33].

1.3. Idea of the proof. The main difficulty of the problem is to make a goodchoice of the discontinuity set of the roots. On the complement of the discontinuityset the roots are of optimal Sobolev class W 1,p, for all 1 ≤ p < n

n−1 , by the result of

[33], see also Theorem A.1. In general, the discontinuity set has infinite codimensionone Hausdorff measure, see Example 2.4. Thus, in order to have bounded variationit is crucial that the jump height of a selection of a root is integrable (with respectto Hm−1) along its discontinuity set.

The proof of Theorem 1.1 is based on the radical case solved in Theorem 1.4 andon formulas for the roots of the universal polynomial Pa, a ∈ Cn, which were foundin [32]. Interestingly, the method of [32] seems to be better suited for the controlof the discontinuities and integrability along them than a more elementary methodof [33].

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1.3.1. The radical case. Consider the equation Zn = f , where f is a smoothcomplex-valued function. We choose the discontinuities of the solutions along thepreimage of a regular value of the sign sgn(f) = f/|f | : Ω \ f−1(0)→ S1 of f . Theresult of Ghisi and Gobbino [21] which we recall in Theorem 2.7 together with thecoarea formula and Sard’s theorem empowers us to show that


|f |1/n dHm−1 <∞ for H1-a.e. y ∈ S1.

It is then not hard to complete the proof of Theorem 1.4 using the observationthat any parameterization of the solutions of Zn = f is continuous (and zero) onthe zero set of f , and hence a BV -parameterization on Ω \ f−1(0) extends to aBV -parameterization on Ω with unchanged total variation.

1.3.2. The general case. The formulas for the roots of the universal polynomial Pa,a ∈ Cn, which we recall in detail in Section 6, express the roots as finite sums offunctions analytic in radicals of local coordinates on a resolution space (a blowingup of Cn). We choose parameterizations of the involved radicals, using Theorem 1.4,and show that in this way we obtain SBV -parameterizations of these summands.But then a new difficulty arises which comes from the fact that these summandsare defined only locally on the resolution space. (Actually, they cannot be definedneither globally nor canonically.) We solve this problem by cutting and pastingthese locally defined summands which introduces new discontinuities. In order tostay in the class SBV we must ascertain integrability of the new jumps along thesediscontinuities. This is again based on a consequence of Ghisi and Gobbino’s resultfor radicals and the coarea formula, see Lemma 7.4.

1.4. Open problems. The uniform bound in (1.2) is not scale-invariant. Nor is thedegree of differentiability k sharp (in contrast, it is sharp in (1.3) and (1.4)). Thesedeficiencies stem from the method of proof involving resolution of singularities. Arethere better bounds with lower differentiability requirements?

The method of our proof is local. This forces us to deal with the global mon-odromy by cutting and pasting the local choices of the roots. It introduces addi-tional discontinuities some of which are perhaps not necessary. It would be inter-esting to have a global understanding of the monodromy and the discontinuities itnecessitates.

1.5. Structure of the paper. In Section 2 we investigate the discontinuities ofradicals caused by monodromy and show in Example 2.4 that their codimension oneHausdorff measure is in general infinite. The main analytic ingredient for the proofsof Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.4 which allows us to control the integrability of thejump height of the roots along their discontinuity sets is developed in Section 3; itis presented in greater generality, see Theorem 3.3, since it might be of independentinterest. In Section 4 we recall the required background on functions of boundedvariation. The proof of Theorem 1.4 is completed in Section 5. The remainingsections are dedicated to the proof of Theorem 1.1. We recall the formulas for theroots of the universal polynomial in Section 6. In Section 7 we prove Theorem 1.1modulo the local Proposition 7.2 which is then shown in Section 8. In Appendix Awe refine a result from [33] on the Sobolev regularity of continuous roots.

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Notation. We use N := 0, 1, 2, . . ., N>m := n ∈ N : n > m, N≥m := N>m ∪m, N+ := N>0, and similarly, R+, R>t, etc. For r ∈ R+ let brc be its integerpart and r := r − brc its fractional part.

For a ∈ R` and b ∈ Rm, we denote by a⊗ b the `×m matrix (aibj)`,mi=1,j=1. By

Br(x) = y ∈ Rm : |x − y| < r we mean the open ball with center x and radiusr. The open unit ball in Cn is denoted by B, the unit sphere in Rm by Sm−1. ByV (I ) we denote the zero set of an ideal I .

For a positive measure µ and a µ-measurable set E, let µ xE denote the restric-tion of µ to E, i.e., (µ xE)(F ) = µ(F ∩ E). The m-dimensional Lebesgue measureis denoted by Lm; we also use Lm(E) = |E| and dLm = dx. We write

fflEf dx for

the average |E|−1´Ef dx. By Hd we mean the d-dimensional Hausdorff measure.

For a mapping f : X → Y between metric spaces X, Y and α ∈ (0, 1], we set

Holdα,X(f) := supx1,x2∈Xx1 6=x2

d(f(x1), f(x2))

d(x1, x2)αand LipX(f) := Hold1,X(f).

Then f is said to be α-Holder (or Lipschitz) if Holdα,X(f) <∞ (or LipX(f) <∞).Let Ω ⊆ Rm be open. We denote by Ck,α(Ω) the space of complex-valued Ck-

functions on Ω such that ∂γf is locally α-Holder for all |γ| = k. If Ω is bounded, thenCk,α(Ω) is the subspace of functions f such that ∂γf has a continuous extensionto Ω for all 0 ≤ |γ| ≤ k and Holdα,Ω(∂γf) < ∞ for all |γ| = k. Then Ck,α(Ω) is aBanach space with the norm

‖f‖Ck,α(Ω) := sup|γ|≤k, x∈Ω

|∂γf(x)|+ sup|γ|=k


This norm makes also sense for Ω = Rm. If f = (f1, . . . , fn) : Ω → Cn is avector-valued function, then we put

‖f‖Ck,α(Ω) := max1≤i≤n


For real-valued functions f and g we write f . g if f ≤ Cg for some universalconstant C.

2. Discontinuity due to monodromy

In this section we investigate the first difficulty of the problem: discontinuitiesof the roots caused by the local monodromy. This difficulty is already present forradicals of smooth functions. Thus we concentrate on the solutions of

Zr = f, (2.1)

where r > 1 is a real number and f is a complex-valued smooth not identically equalto zero function defined in some open subset Ω of Rm. Let us explain what we meanby a solution of (2.1) for r 6∈ Z. Firstly, any solution should vanish on the zero setof f . On the set Ω0 := Ω \ f−1(0), Equation (2.1) can be given an equivalent formZ = exp(r−1 log f). Thus, by definition, a continuous function λ(x) is a solutionof (2.1) if there is a branch of logarithm log f such that λ = exp(r−1 log f). Hereby log f we mean a function defined on Ω0, not necessarily continuous, such thatexp(log f) = f . For r irrational, if exp(r−1 log f) is continuous then so is log f .Note also that, if λ is a solution of (2.1) then so are λ exp(2πik/r), k ∈ Z. Inparticular, for r irrational, if there is a continuous r-th root of f , then there are

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infinitely many of them. If r = a/b with a, b being two relatively prime integers,then Z = exp(r−1 log f) can be written equivalently as Za = f b.

Consider the sign function of f defined by

sgn(f) : Ω0 → S1, sgn(f) :=f

|f |. (2.2)

The existence of a continuous selection of f1/r depends on the image Im(π1(sgn f))of the induced hom*omorphism of the fundamental groups π1(sgn f) : π1(Ω0) →π1(S1) = Z (here we suppose for simplicity that Ω0 is connected). More precisely,a continuous selection of f1/r exists if and only if

(1) Im(π1(sgn f)) ⊆ nZ, if r = n ≥ 1 is an integer,(2) Im(π1(sgn f)) ⊆ aZ, if r = a/b with a, b being two relatively prime integers.

(Indeed, the equation Za = f b admits a continuous solution if and only ifthe equation Za = f has one. For instance, if λa = f b then (λlfk)a = f ,for the integers k, l such that ak + bl = 1.)

(3) Im(π1(sgn f)) = 0, that is π1(sgn f) is zero, if r is irrational.

If the above stated conditions are not satisfied, then every solution of (2.1) has tobe discontinuous. We will see in Proposition 2.2 that in this case the discontinuityset can be chosen to be a smooth hypersurface provided that f is differentiable ofsufficiently high order. But, in general, as shows Example 2.4, the Hm−1-measureof the discontinuity set is infinite! Off its discontinuity set every solution of (2.1) isof Sobolev class W 1,p for all 1 ≤ p < r

r−1 which follows from a result of Ghisi and

Gobbino [21] which we recall in Section 2.3.We shall use a version of Sard’s theorem which we recall for convenience.

2.1. Sard’s theorem. The following extension of Sard’s theorem to Sobolev spacesis due to [17]; see also [20] for a different proof.

Theorem 2.1 (Sard’s theorem). Let Ω ⊆ Rm be open. Let f : Ω → R` be a

Wm−`+1,ploc -function, where p > m ≥ `. Then the set of critical values of f has

L`-measure zero.

In the case m = ` the result follows from a theorem of Varberg and the factthat a W 1,p self-mapping of Rm satisfies the Luzin N-property if p > m; cf. thediscussion in [17, Section 5].

In particular, the conclusion holds for each f ∈ Cm−`,1(Ω,R`), where m ≥ `.See also [4] and [30].

2.2. On the discontinuity set of radicals. The roots of the equation Zn = x,x ∈ C, n ∈ N≥2 do not admit a continuous choice in any neighborhood of the origin.However, the roots can be chosen continuously on any set C \ R+v, where v ∈ S1.The next proposition generalizes this fact.

Proposition 2.2. Let r ∈ R>1, m ∈ N≥2, and k ∈ N≥m−1. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be openand let f ∈ Ck,1(Ω). Then there exist a Ck-hypersurface E ⊆ Ω (possibly empty)and a continuous function λ : Ω \ E → C such that λr = f .

Proof. Let Ω0 := Ω \ f−1(0). Clearly sgn(f) : Ω0 → S1 is a Ck,1-mapping.If sgn(f)(Ω0) 6= S1 define E := ∅ and choose v ∈ S1\sgn(f)(Ω0). If sgn(f)(Ω0) =

S1, then there exists a regular value v ∈ S1 of sgn(f), by Sard’s theorem (cf.Theorem 2.1), and the set E := sgn(f)−1(v) is a Ck-hypersurface.

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In either case define λ := f1/r = exp(r−1 log f), where the logarithm is under-stood to have its branch cut along the ray R+v. Then λ is continuous (even Ck,1)on Ω0 \E and satisfies λr = f . Clearly, λ extends continuously by 0 to the zero setof f .

Remark 2.3. Note that E is closed in Ω0 but not necessarily in Ω.

The following example shows that in general we cannot choose the radicals of asmooth function with compact support in Rm in such a way that its discontinuityset has finite Hm−1-measure.

Example 2.4. There exists a C∞-function f : R2 → C with compact support suchthat the discontinuity set Sλ of any function λ : R2 → C with λ2 = f satisfiesH1(Sλ) =∞.

Proof. Consider a collection D = Dk∞k=1 of pairwise disjoint open disks Dk =z ∈ C : |z − pk| < 1

k. The total area of this collection is


Dk| =∞∑k=1




We may assume that the disks Dk are distributed such that⋃∞k=1Dk is bounded.

In fact, the entire collection D fits in the rectangle R = (0, 4) × (0, 2). To see thislet Dn := Dk ∈ D : 2n−1 ≤ k < 2n, for n ∈ N+. Any disk in Dn fits in a squareof side-length 2−n+2; there are 2n−1 such disks. Subdivide the rectangle R by thevertical lines x =

∑nj=1 2−j+2, n ∈ N+, which provides a family of open disjoint

rectangles Rn∞n=1 of dimensions 2−n+2 × 2. Let us decompose each Rn into acollection Cn of 2n−1 pairwise disjoint squares. By distributing the disks in Dn tothe squares in Cn we achieve

⋃∞k=1Dk ⊆ R.

Let h : R→ [0, 1] be a C∞-function such that h(x) = 0 if x ≤ 1/4 and h(x) = 1if x ≥ 1. Then the C∞-function hk : C→ [0, 1] given by

hk(z) := 1− h(k2|z − pk|2)

vanishes outside of Dk and equals 1 on D′k := z ∈ C : |z − pk| < 12k. We claim

that the function f : C→ C defined by

f(z) :=


hk(z)z − pk


is C∞. Indeed, the sum consists of at most one term at any point z. Set ck(z) :=2−k(z − pk), H` := supt∈R,i≤` |h(i)(t)|, and for α ∈ N2 with |α| = ` consider

supz∈C|∂α(hkck)(z)| = sup


≤ supz∈Dk




≤ C`H` k2`2−k.

The right-hand side is summable and thus the series in (2.3) converges uniformlyin each derivative and hence represents an element f ∈ C∞(C).

Let λ : C → C be any function satisfying λ2 = f . On the set D′k we thus haveλ(z)2 = 2−k(z − pk). For each r ∈ (0, (2k)−1) there exists qr ∈ z : |z − pk| = rsuch that λ restricted to z : |z − pk| = r is discontinuous at qr. The set Sk :=

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qr : r ∈ (0, (2k)−1) is a subset of the discontinuity set Sλ of λ. If S is a subset ofR2 such that ϕ : z 7→ |z| maps S onto (0, R), then

R = H1((0, R)) ≤ H1(ϕ(S)) ≤ H1(S),

since ϕ is Lipschitz with LipR2(ϕ) = 1. Therefore, for all n ≥ 1,

H1(Sλ) ≥ H1(


Sk) ≥n∑k=1



since any two sets Sk and S` have positive distance if k 6= `. This implies theassertion.

2.3. The regularity of continuous radicals. The regularity of continuous radi-cals is fully understood thanks to a result of Ghisi and Gobbino [21] which we recallnext.

Theorem 2.5. Let k ∈ N+, α ∈ (0, 1], and r = k+α. Let I ⊆ R be an open boundedinterval. Let λ : I → R be continuous and assume that there exists f ∈ Ck,α(I,R)such that

|λ|r = |f |. (2.4)

Let p be defined by 1/p+ 1/r = 1. Then we have λ′ ∈ Lpw(I) and

‖λ′‖p,w,I ≤ C(k) max(

Holdα,I(f(k)))1/r|I|1/p, ‖f ′‖1/rL∞(I)

, (2.5)

where C(k) is a constant that depends only on k.

For an open set Ω ⊆ Rm, Lpw(Ω) denotes the weak Lebesgue space of functionsf : Ω→ R such that

‖f‖p,w,Ω = ‖f‖Lpw(Ω) := supr>0

(r(Lm(x ∈ Ω : |f(x)| > r)


Remark 2.6. The result of Theorem 2.5 is optimal in the following sense:

• In general λ′ 6∈ Lp(I) even if f ∈ Cω(I), e.g., f(t) = t.• The assumption f ∈ Ck,α(I,R) cannot be relaxed to f ∈ Ck,β(I,R), for

any β < α. Indeed, there exists a non-negative function f contained inCk,β(I,R)∩C∞(I) for all β < α such that any real solution λ of (2.4) hasunbounded variation on I; see [21, Example 4.4].

By a standard argument based on Fubini’s theorem, also the following result forseveral variables was obtained in [21] (compare with Theorem A.1).

Theorem 2.7. Let k ∈ N+, α ∈ (0, 1], and r = k + α. Let f : Ω → R be aCk,α-function defined on an open set Ω ⊆ Rm. Let λ : Ω → R be any continuousfunction satisfying (2.4). Then, for every relatively compact subset V b Ω, we have∇λ ∈ Lpw(V,Rm), where 1/p+ 1/r = 1, and

‖∇λ‖p,w,V ≤ C(m, k,Ω, V ) max

(Holdα,Ω(f (k)))1/r, ‖∇f‖1/rL∞(Ω)


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3. Generic integrability along level sets

The results of this section show thatˆsgn(f)−1(y)

|f |1/r dHm−1 <∞ for H1-a.e. y ∈ S1

if f : Rm ⊇ Ω→ C is of class Ck,α and k+α ≥ r. This is the main ingredient neededin the proof of Theorem 1.4 in Section 5. It can be understood as a complement ofSard’s theorem for the sign function.

We believe that the results of this section are of independent interest and thuswe formulate them in greater generality for maps f : Rm ⊇ Ω→ R`+1. Then

sgn(f) : Ω \ f−1(0)→ S`, sgn(f) :=f

|f |.

We will investigate the level sets of the sign sgn(f) and the norm |f |. The proofsare based on Theorem 2.7 and the coarea formula.

3.1. The coarea formula. We will use the following version of the coarea formuladue to [28, Theorem 1.1], see also [19].

Recall that a function f is a precise representative of f ∈ L1loc(Ω) if

f(x) = limr↓0


f(y) dy

at all points x where this limit exists. In the following we say that f ∈ L1loc(Ω,R`)

is precisely represented if each of the component functions of f is a precise repre-sentative. (In fact f−1(y) will depend on the representative of f .)

Theorem 3.1 (Coarea formula). Suppose that m ≥ ` ≥ 1. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be open and

let f ∈W 1,ploc (Ω,R`) be precisely represented, where either p > ` or p ≥ ` = 1. Then

f−1(y) is countably Hm−` rectifiable for almost all y ∈ R`, and for all measurableE ⊆ Ω, ˆ


|J`f(x)| dx =

ˆR`Hm−`(E ∩ f−1(y)) dy.

Recall that |J`f(x)| is the square root of the sum of squares of the determinantsof the `× ` minors of the Jacobian of f .

The following change of variables formula is an easy consequence of the coareaformula.

Corollary 3.2. If f is as in Theorem 3.1 and g : Ω→ [0,∞] is measurable, thenˆΩ

g(x)|J`f(x)| dx =



g dHm−` dy.

We will apply these results only to continuous functions f which evidently areprecisely represented.

3.2. Extension from Lipschitz domains. It will be sometimes helpful to as-sume that functions are defined on Rm instead of on open subsets Ω and havecompact support. If Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain, then this is possible thanksto Whitney’s extension theorem.

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Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded Lipschitz domain and let f ∈ Ck,α(Ω). By Whitney’s

extension theorem, f admits a Ck,α-extension f to Rm such that

‖f‖Ck,α(Rm) ≤ C ‖f‖Ck,α(Ω), (3.1)

for some constant C = C(m, k, α,Ω) (cf. [48, Theorem 4, p.177] and [9, Theorem

2.64]). Let Ω1 :=⋃x∈ΩB1(x) be the open 1-neighborhood of Ω. By multiplying f

with a suitable cut-off function we may assume that supp(f) ⊆ Ω1, and that

‖f‖Ck,α(Ω1) ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖Ck,α(Ω). (3.2)

Clearly, these observations generalize to vector-valued functions.

3.3. Level sets of the sign.

Theorem 3.3. Let k ∈ N+, α ∈ (0, 1], and set s = k + α. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be abounded Lipschitz domain and f ∈ Ck,α(Ω,R`+1), where m ≥ ` ≥ 1. Then there isa constant C = C(m, `, k, α,Ω) such that for each small ε > 0

H`(y ∈ S` :


|f |`/s dHm−` ≥ ε−1 C ‖f‖`/sCk,α(Ω)

)≤ ε. (3.3)

Proof. Let f = (f1, . . . , f`+1) ∈ Ck,α(Ω,R`+1). Without loss of generality we mayassume f 6≡ 0. For convenience set g := sgn(f) = f/|f | : Ω \ f−1(0) → S`. Then,for all j = 1, . . . , `+ 1 and all i = 1, . . . ,m,

∂igj =∂ifj|f |− fj|f |3


fk∂ifk =⇒ |∂igj | ≤ 2(`+ 1) max1≤k≤`+1

|∂ifk||f |



∂i(|fj |1/s




fj∂ifj|fj |2−1/s


Let h = (g1, . . . , g`) consist of the first ` components of g. Then

|J`h| ≤ C(m, `)(


|∂igj |)`≤ C(m, `)



|∂ifk||f |

)`and consequently

|f |`/s|J`h| ≤ C(m, `)(


|∂ifk||f |1−1/s

)`≤ C(m, `) s




By Theorem 2.7 (applied to an extension of f as in Section 3.2) and by (3.4), wemay conclude thatˆ


|f(x)|`/s|J`h(x)| dx ≤ C(m, `, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖`/sCk,α(Ω)

. (3.5)

By the coarea formula (Corollary 3.2),ˆΩ\f−1(0)

|f |`/s|J`h(x)| dx =



|f |`/s dHm−` dy. (3.6)

Then (3.5) and (3.6) entailˆ[−1,1]`


|f |`/s dHm−` dy ≤ C(m, `, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖`/sCk,α(Ω)

. (3.7)

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It follows that, for all small enough ε > 0,∣∣∣y ∈ [−1, 1]` :


|f |`/s dHm−` ≥ ε−1C(m, `, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖`/sCk,α(Ω)

∣∣∣ ≤ ε,which entails the statement of the lemma, since g−1(z1, . . . , z`+1) ⊆ h−1(z1, . . . , z`)for all z = (z1, . . . , z`+1) ∈ S`.

Corollary 3.4. In the setting of Theorem 3.3,ˆsgn(f)−1(y)

|f |`/s dHm−` <∞, for H`-a.e. y ∈ S`, (3.8)

and for every relatively compact open K b Ω \ f−1(0),

Hm−`(K ∩ sgn(f)−1(y)

)<∞, for H`-a.e. y ∈ S`. (3.9)

Proof. It is clear that (3.3) implies (3.8). Let K b Ω \ f−1(0) be open and rela-tively compact. By the coarea formula, where h is the map defined in the proof ofTheorem 3.3, ˆ

R`Hm−`(K ∩ h−1(y)) dy =


|J`h(x)| dx (3.10)

which is finite, since |f | ≥ δ > 0 on K. So there is a subset A = Af,K ⊆ R` with|R` \A| = 0 such that Hm−`(K ∩h−1(y)) <∞ for all y ∈ A. This entails (3.9).

3.4. Level sets of the norm. The result of this section will not be needed in thispaper but we think it is interesting in its own right.

Theorem 3.5. Let k ∈ N+, α ∈ (0, 1], and set s = k + α. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be abounded Lipschitz domain and f ∈ Ck,α(Ω,R`+1), f 6≡ 0. Then there is a constantC = C(m, `, k, α,Ω) such that for all 0 < ε ≤ 1 and all small δ > 0 we have∣∣y ∈ (0, δ) : y1/sHm−1(|f |−1(y)) ≥ ε−1C ‖f‖1/s


∣∣ ≤ εδ.Proof. For δ > 0 consider

If (δ) :=

ˆ δ

y1/sHm−1(|f |−1(y)) dy.

(Note that |f | is Lipschitz and has a Lipschitz extension to Rm, and thus y 7→y1/sHm−1(|f |−1(y)) is L1-measurable.) Then

If (δ) =

ˆ δ

ˆ|f |−1(y)

|f |1/s dHm−1 dy



ˆ|f |−1(y)

|f |1/s 1|f |−1((0,δ)) dHm−1 dy


ˆ|f |−1((0,δ))

|f(x)|1/s∣∣∇|f |(x)

∣∣ dx,where the last identity holds by the coarea formula (Corollary 3.2).

On the set x : f(x) 6= 0,∣∣∂i|f |∣∣ =∣∣∣ 〈f, ∂if〉|f |

∣∣∣ ≤ |∂if |.

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|f |1/s∣∣∇|f |∣∣ ≤ √m max

1≤i≤m|f |1/s

∣∣∂i|f |∣∣ ≤ √m max1≤i≤m

|f | |∂if ||f |1−1/s

≤√m(`+ 1)|f | max


|∂ifj ||f |1−1/s

≤ s√m(`+ 1)|f | max


∣∣∂i(|fj |1/s)∣∣.By Theorem 2.7 (applied to an extension of f as in Section 3.2),ˆ


∣∣∂i(|fj |1/s)∣∣ dx ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/sCk,α(Ω)


Consequently, we have

If (δ) ≤ C ‖f‖1/sCk,α(Ω)

· δ, (3.11)

for a constant C = C(m, `, k, α,Ω).

Set Aε,δ := y ∈ (0, δ) : y1/sHm−1(|f |−1(y)) ≥ ε−1C ‖f‖1/sCk,α(Ω)

. For small

δ > 0, we have the lower bound

If (δ) ≥ ε−1C ‖f‖1/sCk,α(Ω)


which implies the assertion in view of (3.11).

Corollary 3.6. In the setting of Theorem 3.5 let A ⊆ [0,∞) be such that |A ∩[0, ε)| = ε for some ε > 0. Then there is a sequence A 3 yj → 0 with



1/sj Hm−1(|f |−1(yj))

)≤ C(m, `, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/s


4. Background on functions of bounded variation

In this section we recall some facts on functions of bounded variation and fixnotation. We follow the presentation in [3]. In Sections 4.6 and 4.7 we prove somesimple statements we shall need later on. They are probably well-known, but weinclude proofs, since we could not find them in the literature.

4.1. Functions of bounded variation. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be open. A real-valuedfunction f ∈ L1(Ω) is a function of bounded variation in Ω if the distributionalderivative of f is representable by a finite Radon measure in Ω, i.e.,ˆ


f∂iϕdx = −ˆ


ϕdDif, for all ϕ ∈ C∞c (Ω), i = 1, . . . ,m,

for some Rm-valued measure Df = (D1f, . . . ,Dmf) in Ω. The functions of boundedvariation in Ω form a vector space denoted by BV (Ω). The Sobolev space W 1,1(Ω)is strictly contained in BV (Ω); for f ∈W 1,1(Ω), Df = ∇f Lm.

A real-valued function f ∈ L1loc(Ω) belongs to BVloc(Ω) if f ∈ BV (Ω′) for every

relatively compact Ω′ b Ω. We define BV (Ω,R`) := BV (Ω,R)` and BV (Ω,C) :=BV (Ω,R2).

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An element f = (f1, . . . , f`) ∈ L1(Ω,R`) belongs to BV (Ω,R`) if and only if thevariation

Var(f,Ω) := sup∑j=1


fj divϕj dx : ϕ ∈ C∞c (Ω,Rm)`, ‖ϕ‖∞ ≤ 1

is finite. Then Var(f,Ω) coincides with the total variation measure |Df |(Ω). It islower semicontinuous in the L1

loc(Ω,R`) topology, i.e.,

Var(f,Ω) ≤ lim infk→∞

Var(fk,Ω), for fk → f in L1loc(Ω,R`).

The space BV (Ω,R`) endowed with the norm ‖f‖BV := ‖f‖L1 + |Df |(Ω) is aBanach space.

4.2. Approximate continuity and differentiability of functions of boundedvariation. We say that f ∈ L1

loc(Ω,R`) has an approximate limit at x ∈ Ω if thereis z ∈ R` such that



|f(y)− z| dy = 0.

The approximate discontinuity set Sf is the set of x ∈ Ω, where this property doesnot hold. For x ∈ Ω \ Sf the uniquely determined approximate limit z is denoted

by f(x). The function f is said to be approximately continuous at x if x 6∈ Sf and

f(x) = f(x) (i.e., x is a Lebesgue point of f). The set Sf is an Lm-negligible Borel

set and f : Ω \ Sf → R` is a Borel function which coincides Lm-a.e. in Ω \ Sf withf .

We say that x ∈ Ω is an approximate jump point of f if there exist a± ∈ R` andν ∈ Sm−1 such that a+ 6= a− and


B±r (x,ν)

|f(y)− a±| dy = 0,

where B±r (x, ν) := y ∈ Br(x) : ±〈y−x, ν〉 > 0. The triplet (a+, a−, ν) is denotedby (f+(x), f−(x), νf (x)). The set of approximate jump points, denoted by Jf , isa Borel subset of Sf , the functions f± : Jf → R` and νf : Jf → Sm−1 are Borelfunctions.

Let x ∈ Ω \ Sf . Then f is approximately differentiable at x if there exists an`×m matrix T such that



|f(y)− f(x)− T (y − x)|r

dy = 0.

The matrix T is uniquely determined. It is called the approximate differential off at x and denoted by ∇f(x). The set of approximate differentiability points isdenoted by Df . It is a Borel set and ∇f : Df → R`m is a Borel function.

By the Federer–Vol’pert theorem (cf. [3, Theorem 3.78]), for every f ∈ BV (Ω,R`)the set Sf is countably Hm−1-rectifiable, Hm−1(Sf \ Jf ) = 0, and

Df x Jf =((f+ − f−)⊗ νf

)Hm−1 x Jf .

By the Calderon–Zygmund theorem (cf. [3, Theorem 3.83]), each f ∈ BV (Ω,R`) isapproximately differentiable at Lm-a.e. point of Ω, and the approximate differential∇f is the density of the absolutely continuous part of Df with respect to Lm.

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4.3. Decomposition of Df . Let f ∈ BV (Ω,R`). The Lebesgue decompositionprovides a decomposition

Df = Daf +Dsf,

where Daf is the absolutely continuous and Dsf is the singular part of Df withrespect to Lm. By defining

Djf := Dsf x Jf , Dcf := Ds x (Ω \ Sf )

we obtain the decomposition

Df = Daf +Djf +Dcf,

noting that Df vanishes on the Hm−1-negligible set Sf \ Jf (cf. [3, Lemma 3.76]).Then Djf and Dcf are called the jump and the Cantor part of Df , respectively.We have

Daf = ∇f Lm,Djf =

((f+ − f−)⊗ νf

)Hm−1 x Jf .


The Cantor part vanishes on sets which are σ-finite with respect to Hm−1 and onsets of the form f−1(E), where E ⊆ R` with H1(E) = 0 (cf. [3, Proposition 3.92]).

4.4. Special functions of bounded variation. A function f ∈ BV (Ω,R`) issaid to be a special function of bounded variation if Dcf = 0; in this case we writef ∈ SBV (Ω,R`). Then SBV (Ω,R`) forms a closed subspace of BV (Ω,R`). Wehave strict inclusions W 1,1(Ω,R`) ( SBV (Ω,R`) ( BV (Ω,R`), in fact:

Proposition 4.1 ([3, Proposition 4.4]). Let Ω ⊆ Rm be open and bounded, andlet K ⊆ Rm be closed with Hm−1(K ∩ Ω) < ∞. Then any function f : Ω → Rwhich belongs to L∞(Ω \K) ∩W 1,1(Ω \K) belongs also to SBV (Ω) and satisfiesHm−1(Sf \K) = 0.

It is not hard to conclude from this proposition that the solutions of Zn = x,x ∈ C, admit representations in SBVloc; but see Example 2.4.

4.5. The chain rule. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded open set. It is not hard to seethat the composite h = f g of a function g ∈ BV (Ω,R`) and a Lipschitz functionf : R` → Rk belongs to BV (Ω,Rk) and that |Dh| ≤ Lip(f)|Dg|. We shall need amore precise chain rule. For our purpose it is enough to assume that f is C1; forthe general case see [3, Theorem 3.101].

It is convenient to distinguish between the diffuse part Dg := Dag + Dcg andthe jump part Djg of Dg, since they behave differently.

Theorem 4.2 ([3, Theorem 3.96]). Let g ∈ BV (Ω,R`) and let f ∈ C1(R`,Rk) bea Lipschitz function satisfying f(0) = 0 if |Ω| = ∞. Then h = f g belongs toBV (Ω,Rk) and

Dh = ∇f(g)∇gLm +∇f(g)Dcg = ∇f(g) Dg,

Djh = (f(g+)− f(g−))⊗ νgHm−1 x Jg.(4.2)

The following product rule is an immediate consequence. For g1, g2 ∈ BV (Ω),g = (g1, g2), and f(y1, y2) = y1y2, the product g1g2 belongs to BV (Ω) and

D(g1g2) = g1Dg2 + g2Dg1,

Dj(g1g2) = (f(g+)− f(g−))νgHm−1 x Jg.(4.3)

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If g ∈ W 1,p(Ω,R`), f : R` → Rk is Lipschitz, and f g ∈ Lp(Ω,R`), thenf g ∈W 1,p(Ω,R`) and the chain rule reduces to

∇(f g)(x) = ∇f(g(x)) · ∇g(x) for a.e. x ∈ Ω; (4.4)

e.g. [52, Theorem 2.1.11].

4.6. Extension to zero sets. The pointwise variation of a function f : I → R`on an open interval I = (a, b), for a < b ∈ R±∞ is defined by

pVar(f, I) := sup n−1∑i=1

|f(ti+1)− f(ti)| : n ≥ 2, a < t1 < · · · < tn < b.

For open Ω ⊆ R one sets

pVar(f,Ω) :=∑I

pVar(f, I),

where I runs through all connected components of Ω. The essential variation

eVar(f,Ω) := inf

pVar(g,Ω) : g = f L1-a.e. in Ω

coincides with the variation Var(f,Ω) if f is in L1loc(Ω); see [3, Theorem 3.27].

Lemma 4.3. Let Ω0 ⊆ Ω ⊆ R be bounded open subsets. Let f : Ω→ C be a functionin L1

loc(Ω) such that f |Ω0 has bounded (resp. pointwise) variation and f vanishesand is continuous at all points of Ω \ Ω0. Then f has bounded (resp. pointwise)variation on Ω and Var(f,Ω0) = Var(f,Ω) (resp. pVar(f,Ω0) = pVar(f,Ω)).

Proof. We prove first the statement about the pointwise variation. Let I = (a, b)be a connected component of Ω and let Jkk be the collection of all componentsof Ω0 contained in I. Suppose a < t1 < · · · < tn < b and let ε > 0. We havea subdivision into a finite number m of maximal chains ti < ti+1 < · · · < ti+jcontained in some Jk and the remaining tp ∈ Ω \ Ω0. If ti < ti+1 < · · · < ti+j is achain contained in Jk = (ak, bk), there exist t−i and t+i+j such that ak < t−i < ti <

· · · < ti+j < t+i+j < bk and |f(t−i )| ≤ ε/(2m) and |f(t+i+j)| ≤ ε/(2m). Thus,


|f(ti+1)− f(ti)| ≤∑k

pVar(f, Jk) + ε

and consequently pVar(f, I) ≤∑k pVar(f, Jk). This implies pVar(f,Ω0) =

pVar(f,Ω).Suppose that Var(f,Ω0) <∞. Then

Var(f,Ω0) = infpVar(g,Ω0) : g = f L1-a.e. in Ω0

and there exists g coinciding L1-a.e. with f in Ω0 such that pVar(g,Ω0) < ∞.If we extend such g by 0 on Ω \ Ω0, then pVar(g,Ω0) = pVar(g,Ω) by the firstpart. (For the proof of the first part it is enough that, if t0 ∈ Ω \ Ω0, then forall ε > 0 there is δ > 0 such that |f(t)| ≤ ε for L1-a.e. t with |t − t0| ≤ δ.) Thisimplies Var(f,Ω0) ≥ Var(f,Ω). The opposite inequality is trivial. The proof iscomplete.

The lemma implies a similar result for functions in several variables. If Ω ⊆ Rmis an open set and v ∈ Sm−1, we denote by Ωv the orthogonal projection of Ω ontothe hyperplane orthogonal to v. For each y ∈ Ωv we have the section Ωvy := t ∈

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R : y + tv ∈ Ω. If f is a function defined on Ω, then fvy := f(y + tv) is a functiondefined on Ωvy.

Proposition 4.4. Let Ω0 ⊆ Ω ⊆ Rm be bounded open subsets. Let f : Ω→ C be afunction such that f |Ω0

has bounded variation and f vanishes and is continuous atall points of Ω\Ω0. Then f has bounded variation on Ω and Var(f,Ω0) = Var(f,Ω).

Proof. Since f |Ω0 ∈ BV (Ω0), [3, Remark 3.104] implies that there exist m linearlyindependent vectors vi such that fviy ∈ BV (Ωvi0,y) for Lm−1-a.e. y ∈ Ω0,vi and


|Dfviy |(Ωvi0,y) dy <∞, for i = 1, . . . ,m.

By Lemma 4.3, each such fviy extends by 0 to a function fviy ∈ BV (Ωviy ) with|Dfviy |(Ω

vi0,y) = |Dfviy |(Ωviy ). Since fviy ≡ 0 for all y ∈ Ωvi \ Ω0,vi , we have


|Dfviy |(Ωviy ) dy =


|Dfviy |(Ωvi0,y) dy <∞, for i = 1, . . . ,m.

Thus f ∈ BV (Ω), again by [3, Remark 3.104]. The identity Var(f,Ω0) = Var(f,Ω)follows from [3, Theorem 3.103].

4.7. A sufficient condition for bounded variation. Let us recall a version ofthe Gauss–Green theorem which is a special case of the result given in [18, p. 314].

Theorem 4.5 (Gauss–Green theorem). Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded open set withHm−1(∂Ω) <∞. Assume that there is a closed set E ⊆ Rm such that ∂Ω \ E is aC1-hypersurface and Hm−1(E) = 0. Then for each f ∈ C1(Ω,Rm),


div f dx = −ˆ∂Ω

〈f, νΩ〉 dHm−1,

where νΩ is the inner unit normal to Ω.

The following consequence will be used several times.

Proposition 4.6. Let Ω0 ⊆ Rm be an open set and let E be a closed C1-hypersurface in Ω0. Let f = (f1, . . . , f`) ∈ L1(Ω0,R`) be such that f ∈W 1,1(Ω0\E),f is C1 on Ω0 \ E and extends together with its partial derivatives continuously toE from both sides, and ˆ


|f | dHm−1 <∞.

Then f ∈ BV (Ω0,R`) and

Var(f,Ω0) ≤ C(m, `)(ˆ

Ω0\E|∇f | dx+ 2


|f | dHm−1).

Proof. Let ϕ ∈ C∞c (Ω0,Rm)` with ‖ϕ‖∞ ≤ 1. There exists a open relativelycompact subset Ωϕ b Ω0 which contains suppϕ and has smooth boundary suchthat Hm−1(∂Ωϕ ∩ E) = 0. Let C be the set of connected components of the open

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set Ωϕ \ E. Then, by the Gauss–Green theorem 4.5, for each j = 1, . . . , `,ˆΩ0

fj divϕj dx =


fj divϕj dx =∑C∈C


fj divϕj dx



〈∇fj , ϕ〉 dx−ˆ∂C

fj〈ϕ, ν〉 dHm−1)

= −ˆ


〈∇fj , ϕ〉 dx−∑C∈C


fj〈ϕ, ν〉 dHm−1

= −ˆ


〈∇fj , ϕ〉 dx−∑C∈C


fj〈ϕ, ν〉 dHm−1,

where ν is the inner unit normal to C. The statement follows.

5. Proof of Theorem 1.4

Let r > 0 and m ∈ N≥2. Let k ∈ N and α ∈ (0, 1] be such that

k + α ≥ maxr,m.

Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded Lipschitz domain and let f ∈ Ck,α(Ω). By Section 3.2,we may assume that f has compact support contained in Ω. Let

r = `+ β

be the unique representation of r, where ` ∈ N and β ∈ (0, 1]. Consider the equation

Zr = f. (5.1)

In order to single out some trivial cases we make the following distinction.

Case 1: ` = 0, 1/β ∈ N. In this case f1/β is a solution of (5.1) in the samedifferentiability class as f .

Case 2: ` = 0, 1/β 6∈ N. Then 1/β > 1 and fb1/βc · λ is a solution of (5.1),provided that λ solves (5.1) for r = 1/1/β. The factor fb1/βc is in thedifferentiability class of f . Since 1/β ∈ (0, 1), the existence and regularityof λ is covered by the next case.

Case 3: r > 1 or equivalently ` ∈ N+, β ∈ (0, 1].

Henceforth we restrict to the Case 3.Let Ω0 := Ω \ f−1(0), and consider the sign map sgn(f) defined in (2.2). By

Proposition 2.2, for each regular value y ∈ S1 of sgn(f) the set E := sgn(f)−1(y) isa closed Ck-hypersurface of Ω0 (possibly empty) and there is a continuous functionλ : Ω \ E → C such that λr = f ; note that λ is of class Ck on Ω0 \ E. If we writef = u+ iv, then, as in (3.4),

|∇λ| = 1


|∇f ||f |1−1/r


∣∣∇(|v|1/r)∣∣).By Theorem 2.7, we may conclude that ∇λ ∈ Lpw(Ω0 \ E,Cm) with

‖∇λ‖Lpw(Ω0\E) ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/rCk,α(Ω)


where p = r/(r − 1). Here we use the fact that Ck,α(Ω) is continuously embeddedin C`,β(Ω), as Ω is quasiconvex; cf. [15, Proposition 3.7].

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There exists y ∈ S1 which is a regular value of sgn(f) and such that E =sgn(f)−1(y) satisfiesˆ


|f |1/r dHm−1 ≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/rCk,α(Ω)

, (5.3)

Hm−1(K ∩ E) <∞, for every relatively compact K b Ω0. (5.4)

Here we apply Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 3.4, using s := k + α ≥ r and thecontinuous inclusion of Ck,α(Ω) in C`,β(Ω).

Then Proposition 4.6 implies that λ ∈ BV (Ω0) and

Var(λ,Ω0) ≤ C(m)( ˆ

Ω0\E|∇λ| dx+ 2


|f |1/r dHm−1)

≤ C(m, k, α,Ω) ‖f‖1/rCk,α(Ω)


by (5.2) and (5.3). By Proposition 4.4, we may conclude that λ ∈ BV (Ω) and we

obtain the uniform bound (1.4), since ‖λ‖L1(Ω) ≤ |Ω| ‖f‖1/rL∞(Ω).

By construction, Sλ = Jλ = E. To see that the Cantor part Dcλ vanishesconsider the disjoint union Ω = (Ω0 \ E) ∪ E ∪ f−1(0). Now λ is of class W 1,1

in Ω0 \ E, E is σ-finite with respect to Hm−1, and λ is continuous on the setf−1(0) = λ−1(0). Thus Dcλ is zero on each of these sets, by [3, Proposition 3.92].The proof of Theorem 1.4 is complete.

6. Formulas for the roots

6.1. Idea of the proof of Theorem 1.1. The main idea of the proof of Theo-rem 1.1 lies in the reduction to the radical case using the formulas for the roots ofthe universal polynomial Pa, a ∈ Cn, given in [32, Theorem 1.6]. These formulasexpress the roots of Pa as finite sums of functions analytic in the radicals of localcoordinates on a resolution space (i.e. a blowing-up of Cn), see [32] and Theorem 6.4below. Thus using the radical case we may choose a parameterization of every suchlocally defined summand, by choosing a parameterization of the radicals, but thena new difficulty arises. It comes from the fact that these summands can be definedonly locally on the resolution space. Therefore we have to cut and paste them, in-troducing new discontinuities and taking care of the integrability of the new jumps.This step will be done in Section 7.4.

Remark 6.1. This local decomposition of the roots into finitely many summandsis obtained in [32] by a repeated “splitting” of Pa, a procedure that reflects howthe roots are regrouped in clusters. The summands of Equation (6.5) represent thearithmetic means of such clusters.

6.2. Tower of smooth principalizations and formulas for the roots. Let

Pa(Z) = Zn +


ajZn−j , (6.1)

where aj ∈ C. We defined in [32] the generalized discriminant ideals D` ⊆ C[a] =C[a1, ..., an], ` = 2, ..., n, that, in particular, satisfy the following properties. Foreach ` the zero set V (D`) of D` is exactly the set of those a for which Pa has at most`− 1 distinct roots and therefore V (D`−1) ⊆ V (D`). The top ideal Dn is principal

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and generated by a power of the discriminant of Pa. The other discriminant idealsare not principal.

For the ideals D`, ` = 2, . . . , n, we constructed in [32] a tower of smooth princi-palizations

M1 = Cnσ2,1←−M2

σ3,2←−M3σ4,3←− · · · σn,n−1←− Mn, (6.2)

where each σ`,`−1 is the composition of blowing-ups with smooth centers and forevery σ` = σ2,1 σ3,2 · · · σ`,`−1 the ideal σ∗` (D`) is principal. We write σn,` =σ`+1,` · · · σn,n−1. Such a tower of smooth principalizations exists by the classicalresults of resolution of singularities.

By construction each p ∈ M` comes with a privileged system of local analyticcoordinates on M` at p. It is obtained as follows (see Definition 6.5). The mapσ` is itself a blowing-up of an ideal K` ⊆ C[a] such that V (K`) = V (D`). We fixsuch an ideal K` as well as a system of its generators K` = (h1, . . . , hk), wherehi ∈ C[a]. The pull-back σ∗` (K`) is principal, so it is generated in a neighborhoodof p by one of the hi σ`. We denote this hi simply by h. Also, in order to simplifythe notation, we use the same symbol for a polynomial on Cn and its pull-back toM` (in particular, we will write h instead of hi σ`) if no confusion is possible.

Similarly, σ∗` (D`) is principal and we fix a polynomial f ∈ C[a] that generatesσ∗` (D`) at p. Let E = V (σ∗` (D`)). There is a neighborhood U of p in M`, anda coordinate system y1, . . . , yn on U , such that yi = Pi/h

s, Pi ∈ C[a], s ∈ N,E ∩ U = y1 · · · yr = 0 and such that on U

f = unit ·r∏i=1

ynii , h = unit ·r∏i=1

ymii , (6.3)

with ni > 0 and mi > 0. Here by a unit we mean an analytic function defined andnowhere vanishing on U .

Remark 6.2. The choice of h, f , and Pi is not unique, but f and h are well definedat p up to a local analytic unit. Similarly, yi, for i ≤ r, are defined by their zerosets up to a unit. These zero sets, that is the components of the exceptional divisorof σ`, are well-defined.

Definition 6.3. By a chain C = (p`, f`, h`, P`,i, s`, r`) for pn ∈ Mn we mean thepoints p` := σn,`(pn), ` = 1, . . . , n, and the local data (f`, h`, P`,i, s`, r`) for p`. Wecomplete this data for ` = 1 by putting f1 = h1 = 1, P1,i = ai, and s1 = r1 = 0.

We pull back the polynomial Pa onto M` via σ`,

Pσ∗` (a)(Z) = Zn +


(ai σ`)Zn−i.

The roots of Pσ∗n(a) are the pull-backs of the roots of Pa.

Theorem 6.4 ([32, Theorem 1.6]). We may associate with every chain C =(p`, f`, h`, P`,i, s`, r`) convergent power series ψ`, integers q` ≥ 1, and positiveexponents α` ∈ 1

q`N>0, such that the following holds. The roots of Pσ∗n(a) in a

neighborhood of pn are given byn∑`=1

A` ϕ` σn,`, (6.4)

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where A` ∈ Q and

ϕ` = fα`` ψ`(y

1/q``,1 , . . . , y


, y`,r`+1, . . . , y`,n). (6.5)

The meaning of the radicals in (6.5) is explained in [32, Remark 1.7]. There areneighborhoods U` of p`, satisfying σ`,`−1(U`) ⊆ U`−1, and their branched covers

τ` : U` → U`, given by the formulas

y`,i =

tq`i if i ≤ r`,ti if i > r` + 1,


such that ϕ` can be interpreted as an analytic function on U`. Sinceσ−1`+1,`(f

−1` (0)) ⊆ f−1

`+1(0), the composite y`,i σ`+1,`, for i ≤ r`, is a normal cross-ings in y`+1,1, . . . , y`+1,r`+1

and therefore, we may suppose that σ`+1,` τ`+1 factorsthrough τ`, changing q`+1 if necessary. Thus we obtain a sequence of branchedcovers τi making the following diagram commutative.

U1 U2

σ1,2oo U3

σ3,2oo · · ·σ4,3oo Un−1

σn−1,n−2oo Unσn,n−1oo

U1 U2


σ1,2oo U3


σ3,2oo · · ·σ4,3oo Un−1


σn−1,n−2oo Unτn


Then Theorem 6.4 says that the roots of Pσ∗n(a), where σn = σn τn, are combina-

tions of analytic functions on Un that are pull-backs of such ϕ`.

Definition 6.5. By an extended chain E = (p`, f`, h`, P`,i, s`, r`,U`) for pn ∈ Mn

we mean a chain C = (p`, f`, h`, P`,i, s`, r`) and a system of neighborhoods U` ofp` as above. The y`,i = P`,i/h

s`` , i = 1, . . . , n, are called a privileged system of

coordinates on U`.By (6.3), we may express ϕ` of (6.5) as follows

ϕ` = hα`` ψ`(y

1/q``,1 , . . . , y


, y`,r`+1, . . . , y`,n), (6.7)

where αk ∈ 1q`N>0 and q` is a positive integer possibly much bigger than q`.

7. Proof of Theorem 1.1

We assume that the coefficients aj , j = 1, . . . , n, have compact support in Rmand that the image of a is contained in the closed unit ball B ⊆ Cn. The generalcase will be reduced to this case in Section 7.5. We assume also that the aj are ofclass Ck−1,1 with k = k(n,m) defined in Section 7.3.

In the following we shall be dealing with multi-valued functions arising fromcomplex radicals, their composition with single-valued functions, and their additionand multiplication.

7.1. In one blow-up chart. We will use the notation of Section 6. Let (U ,y) bea chart on M` with a privileged system of coordinates yi = Pi/h

s. We may assumethat y(U) coincides with the open unit ball B in Cn.

Let a : Rm → Cn be sufficiently differentiable with compact support. We dis-tinguish between the chart map y and the composite map y = (y

1, . . . , y

n) given


h := h a, P i := Pi a, yi

:= yi a =P ihs.

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The map y is defined and continuous on the set x ∈ Rm : h(x) 6= 0. Consider theopen subset

Ω0 := y−1(B) =x ∈ Rm : |y(x)| < 1, h(x) 6= 0

= a−1(V0), (7.1)

where V0 = a ∈ Cn : |y(a)| < 1, h(a) 6= 0. The image of the multi-valued map

y1/q =(y1/q

1, . . . , y1/q

r, yr+1

, . . . , yn

): Ω0 ; Cn,

where q ∈ N+, is contained in B. Since h = unit ·∏ri=1 y

mii for mi > 0 on U

(see (6.3)), we have |h| . |yi| for all 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Let ψ ∈ C1(B) and consider themulti-valued function (cf. (6.7))

ϕ := hαψ(y1/q

): Ω0 ; C;

additionally we define ϕ(x) := 0 if h(x) = 0.

Cn = M1 V0? _oo //





// M`






? _ooy

// B // Cn

Remark 7.1. The functions h and P i are defined on Rm and have compact support,but their supports need not be contained in Ω0.

Proposition 7.2. Let k ∈ N+ be a multiple of q satisfying k ≥ max

2sα ,m


the numbers q, s, α associated with the chart U and ϕ (see (6.7)). Suppose thata ∈ Ck−1,1

c (Rm,B). There exists a finite collection of Ck−1-hypersurfaces Ei ⊆ Rmand a parameterization φ of ϕ on Ω0 such that φ ∈ SBV (Ω0), φ is continuous onΩ0 \

⋃iEi, and

‖φ‖BV (Ω0) ≤ C(|Ω0|+ 1

) (‖h‖1/k

Ck−1,1 +


‖P i‖1/k


), (7.2)

with C > 0 depending only on m, k, α, q, s, ‖h‖L∞ , ‖ψ‖C1 , and ‖P j‖L∞ for1 ≤ j ≤ r.

Proof. This follows from Proposition 8.3 which will be proved in the next section.

Convention 7.3. We will consistently write φ for a parameterization of the multi-valued function ϕ. Then φ is an ordered tuple of single-valued complex functions.

Proposition 7.2, Proposition 4.4, and Formula (6.4) give a parameterization ofthe roots by functions of bounded variation on the set corresponding to one chart.Our next step is to cut and paste such local roots. For this we use the followinglemma.

Lemma 7.4. Let u ∈ C1(B) have values in the interval [b, c]. Suppose that a ∈Ck−1,1c (Rm,B), where k ≥ max

sα ,m

. Consider the function u y : Ω0 → R.

There is a constant C > 0 which depends only on n, m, k, ‖h‖L∞ , and ‖∇u‖L∞such that for all small ε > 0 we have∣∣∣r ∈ [b, c] :


|h|α dHm−1 ≥ ε−1C(‖h‖1/k

Ck−1,1 +


‖P j‖1/k


)∣∣∣ ≤ ε.

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Proof. We have, on Ω0,

|h|α |∇(u y)|

. |∇u(y)|maxj


|∇P j ||P j |1−1/k

+ s|yj||h|α−1/k |∇h|



By Theorem 2.7,ˆ


|h|α∣∣∇(u y)

∣∣ dx ≤ C (‖h‖1/kCk−1,1 +


‖P j‖1/k


), (7.3)

for a constant C as specified in the assertion. By the coarea formula (Corollary 3.2),ˆΩ0

|h|α∣∣∇(u y)

∣∣ dx =

ˆ c



|h|α dHm−1 dr,

and the assertion follows as at the end of the proof of Theorem 3.3.

7.2. Choice of neighborhoods. In what follows we fix a finite family of extendedchains

CV = Ej = (pj,`, fj,`, hj,`, Pj,`,i, sj,`, rj,`,Uj,`) (7.4)

such that σ−1n (B) ⊆

⋃Nj=1 Uj,n. Such a family exists by compactness of σ−1

n (B).

Since σ`,`−1(Uj,`) ⊆ Uj,`−1 for all `, we have

σ−1` (B) ⊆


Uj,` (7.5)

for all levels `. We will denote by C(CV,m) any constant which depends only onthe family CV and m.

7.3. Definition of k(n,m). Let E = (p`, f`, h`, P`,i, s`, r`,U`) be an extended chainand let q` and α` be as specified in (6.7). Let kE ∈ N+ be the smallest commonmultiple of the integers q` which satisfies

kE ≥ max`



Let CV = Ej = (pj,`, fj,`, hj,`, Pj,`,i, sj,`, rj,`,Uj,`) be the finite family of ex-tended chains fixed in Section 7.2. Then we set

k = k(n,m) := maxj

kEj ,m


7.4. Cutting and pasting. Let ` be fixed. For each j = 1, . . . , N (here N isthe number of extended chains in the family CV) we have a chart (Uj,`,yj,`) with aprivileged system of coordinates, as in Section 7.1, and we consider the multi-valuedfunctions

ϕj,` = hαj,`j,` ψj,`


, . . . , y1/qj,`j,`,rj,`

, yj,`,rj,`+1

, . . . , yj,`,n)

: Ωj,`,0 ; C,

where Ωj,`,0 ⊆ Rm is the open set defined in (7.1). Then

Ω`,0 := Rm \ a−1(V (D`)) =


Ωj,`,0. (7.6)

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By Proposition 7.2, there is a parameterization φj,` of ϕj,` in SBV (Ωj,`,0) such that

‖φj,`‖BV (Ωj,`,0) ≤ C(CV,m)(‖hj,`‖


Ck−1,1 +


‖P j,`,i‖1/k



(By (7.2), the constant actually also depends on the Lebesgue measure of the sup-port of a. This dependence only comes from the L1-part in the BV -norm (cf.Proposition 8.3) and we will not write it.)

For each nonempty subset J ⊆ 1, . . . , N set ΩJ,`,0 :=⋂j∈J Ωj,`,0.

Lemma 7.5. We may shrink the sets Ωj,`,0, j = 1, . . . , N , in such a way that(7.6) still holds and φj,` 1ΩJ,`,0 ∈ SBV (Ω`,0) whenever j ∈ J and J ⊆ 1, . . . , N.Moreover,

‖φj,` 1ΩJ,`,0‖BV (Ω`,0) ≤ C(CV,m) max1≤j≤N



Ck−1,1 +


‖P j,`,i‖1/k



Proof. We will use Lemma 7.4 in each Ωj,`,0 for the functions u = | · | and u =

|yi,` y−1j,` | whenever Ui,` ∩ Ui,` 6= ∅.


Vi,`,0 //






Uj,`3 S









// B


Ui,` ∩ Uj,`,


2 R









[0, 1) [0, 1)

So we apply Lemma 7.4 a finite number of times and hence obtain a real numberr < 1 close to 1 such thatˆ



|hj,`|αj,` dHm−1 ≤ C(CV,m)(‖hj,`‖


Ck−1,1 +


‖P j,`,i‖1/k



for all j and all u as specified above. By Sard’s theorem (Theorem 2.1), we mayalso assume that for all j and all u as considered in the proof the sets (uy


are Ck−1-hypersurfaces. Replacing the Ωj,`,0 by the open subsets

x ∈ Rm : |yj,`

(x)| < r, hj,`(x) 6= 0

the assertion of the lemma follows (cf. [3, Theorem 3.77]).

The map

φ` :=






φj,` 1ΩJ,`,0 (7.7)

is a parameterization of the multi-valued function

ϕ` :=






ϕj,` 1ΩJ,`,0

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which belongs to SBV (Ω`,0) and verifies

‖φ`‖BV (Ω`,0) ≤ C(CV,m) max1≤j≤N



Ck−1,1 +


‖P j,`,i‖1/k


). (7.8)

In the definition of ϕ` all ϕj,`, j ∈ J , are equal as multi-valued functions on ΩJ,`,0and hence their arithmetic mean should be interpreted as the same multi-valuedfunction.

Let us extend φ` by 0 to the set a−1(V (D`)) = Rm\Ω`,0. Then φ` is continuous atall points of Rm\Ω`,0; furthermore, φ` has compact support. By Proposition 4.4, wemay conclude that φ` has bounded variation on Rm and ‖φ`‖BV (Rm) = ‖φ`‖BV (Ω`,0)

is bounded by (7.8). We have Sφ` = Jφ` and the Cantor part of Dφ` vanishes inΩ`,0. The Cantor part of Dφ` also vanishes in Rm \ Ω`,0, by [3, Proposition 3.92],since φ` vanishes and is continuous on this set. Thus φ` ∈ SBV (Rm).

Now we can use Theorem 6.4, that gives a parameterization λ : Rm → Cn of theroots of Pa, where a ∈ Ck−1,1

c (Rm,B), as a finite sum of the above constructed φ`and therefore it belongs to SBV (Rm) and satisfies

‖λ‖BV (Rm) ≤ C(CV,m) max1≤`≤n




Ck−1,1 +


‖P j,`,i‖1/k


). (7.9)

Remark 7.6. Actually, to get an everywhere defined parameterization λ of theroots of Pa a modification of the parameterizations φ` defined in (7.7) is necessaryon their discontinuity sets which are Lm-negligible.

Their values on these sets can be chosen arbitrarily, with the only condition thatthey should satisfy Pa(Z) =

∏nj=1(Z−λj), since the membership in SBV (Rm) and

the bound for ‖φ`‖BV (Rm) are not affected by this modification.

7.5. General Case. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded Lipschitz domain and let a ∈Ck−1,1(Ω,Cn). By Whitney’s extension theorem, a admits a Ck−1,1-extension a toRm with compact support in the open 1-neighborhood Ω1 of Ω such that

‖a‖Ck−1,1(Ω1) ≤ C(m, k,Ω) ‖a‖Ck−1,1(Ω); (7.10)

see Section 3.2 for more details. Let us first prove Theorem 1.1 for a.We may suppose that the discriminant of Pa(x) is not identically equal to zero.In general, the image a(Rm) is not necessarily contained in the closed unit ball

B ⊆ Cn. To reduce to this case we use an R+ action on the coefficient vectora ∈ Cn. For η > 0 and a ∈ Cn we define η ∗ a ∈ Cn by (η ∗ a)i = ηiai. Then λ is aroot of Pa if and only if ηλ is a root of Pη∗a.

Fix ρ ≥ max1, ‖a‖L∞. Then ‖ρ−1 ∗ a‖L∞ ≤ 1. By (7.9) applied to Pρ−1∗a theroots of Pa admit a parameterization λ : Rm → Cn in SBV (Rm) such that

‖λ‖BV (Rm) ≤ ρC(n,m) max1≤`≤n


(‖˜hj,`‖1/kCk−1,1 +




where for a polynomial g ∈ C[a] we set˜g(x) := g(ρ−1 ∗ a(x)). (The dependence of

the constant on the cover CV is subsumed under its dependence on n.)

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By Section 7.2 and by the regularity of the composition of Ck−1,1-maps (cf. [15,Theorem 4.3]), we conclude that

‖λ‖BV (Rm) ≤ C(n,m) max1≤`≤n






)×max1, ‖a‖L∞

(1 + ‖a‖Ck−1,1

)= C(n,m) max1, ‖a‖L∞

(1 + ‖a‖Ck−1,1

)for a different constant C(n,m).

The proof of Theorem 1.1 for coefficients a ∈ Ck−1,1(Ω,Cn) defined on an arbi-trary bounded Lipschitz domain now follows in view of (7.10): we obtain that theroots of Pa admit a parameterization λ : Ω→ Cn in SBV (Ω) such that

‖λ‖BV (Ω) ≤ C(n,m,Ω) max1, ‖a‖L∞(Ω)(1 + ‖a‖Ck−1,1(Ω)


The statement about the discontinuity set of λ follows from the construction. Tofinish the proof of Theorem 1.1 we just need to complete the proof of Proposition 7.2which is done in the next section.

8. A local computation

In this section we complete the proof of Proposition 7.2 by showing a slightlymore general Proposition 8.3. First we fix the setup and the notation that we usethroughout this section.

Setup 8.1. Let m and n be integers ≥ 2. Let q, s ∈ N+ and α ∈ q−1N+. Let

k ∈ N+ be a multiple of q satisfying k ≥ max2s

α,m. (8.1)

Then k/q ∈ N+ and kα ∈ N+. Let h, Pj ∈ Ck−1,1c (Rm), j = 1, . . . , n, and set

yj := Pj/hs. Put y := (y1, . . . , yn) and consider the bounded open subset of Rm,

Ω0 := x ∈ Rm : |y(x)| < 1, h(x) 6= 0.

We assume that, on Ω0,

|h| . |yj | for all j = 1, . . . , r. (8.2)

This implies that no Pj , j = 1, . . . , r, vanishes on Ω0. Let y1/q denote the multi-valued function

y1/q :=(y

1/q1 , . . . , y1/q

r , yr+1, . . . , yn)

: Ω0 ; Cn; (8.3)

it takes values in the open unit ball B = z ∈ Cn : |z| < 1 in Cn. Let ψ ∈ C1(B)and consider the multi-valued function

ϕ := hαψ(y1/q

)= hαψ


1/q1 , . . . , y1/q

r , yr+1, . . . , yn)

: Ω0 ; C; (8.4)

additionally we define ϕ(x) := 0 if h(x) = 0.

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8.1. Continuous parameterization of ϕ. The multi-valued function ϕ in (8.4)has a continuous parameterization in the complement of a finite union of Ck−1-hypersurfaces.

Lemma 8.2. For each 1 ≤ j ≤ r, there is a Ck−1-hypersurfaces Ej ⊆ Ω0 such that

the multi-valued function y1/qj has a continuous parameterization on Ω0 \Ej. There

exists a Ck−1-hypersurface E0 ⊆ Rm such that hα has a continuous parameteriza-tion on Rm \ E0. There is a continuous parameterization of ϕ on Ω0 \


Every parameterization of ϕ extends continuously to the zero set of h. (Here (8.1)can be replaced by the weaker condition k ≥ m.)

Proof. Each yj = Pj/hs is of class Ck−1,1 on Ω0. By Proposition 2.2, there exists

a Ck−1-hypersurface Ej ⊆ Ω0 such that the multi-valued function y1/qj , where

1 ≤ j ≤ r, has a continuous parameterization on Ω0 \ Ej . (If r < j ≤ n then yj isa single-valued continuous function on Ω0.) Likewise the multi-valued function hα

has a continuous parameterization on Rm \ E0, where E0 is a Ck−1-hypersurfacein Rm. Now any parameterization of ϕ extends continuously to h−1(0) becauseψ(y1/q) is bounded.

8.2. Parameterization of ϕ with bounded variation. Now we are ready toshow that ϕ admits a parameterization of bounded variation.

Proposition 8.3. There exists a finite collection of Ck−1-hypersurfaces Ej ⊆ Rmand a parameterization φ of ϕ on Ω0 such that φ ∈ SBV (Ω0), φ is continuous onΩ0 \

⋃j Ej,

|Dφ|(Ω0) ≤ C(‖h‖1/k

Ck−1,1 +





‖φ‖BV (Ω0) ≤ C(|Ω0|+ 1

) (‖h‖1/k

Ck−1,1 +



), (8.5)

with C > 0 depending only on m, k, α, q, s, ‖h‖L∞ , ‖ψ‖C1 , and ‖Pj‖L∞ for1 ≤ j ≤ r. We have Sφ = Jφ ⊆

⋃j Ej and the Cantor part Dφ vanishes in Ω0.

Proof. First we choose a parameterization φ of ϕ and its discontinuity set: ByTheorem 1.4, there is a closed Ck−1-hypersurface E0 in Rm \ h−1(0) and h1/k

admits a parameterization in SBV (Rm) (recall that h has compact support), againdenoted by h1/k, which is continuous on Rm \ E0 and satisfies

Sh1/k = Jh1/k = E0 and Dc(h1/k) = 0

and ˆE0

|h|1/k dHm−1 ≤ C(m, k) ‖h‖1/kCk−1,1 . (8.6)

Analogously, for each 1 ≤ j ≤ r, there is a closed Ck−1-hypersurface Ej in Rm \P−1j (0) and P

1/kj admits a parameterization in SBV (Rm), again denoted by P

1/kj ,

which is continuous on Rm \ Ej and satisfies



= JP


= Ej and Dc(P1/kj ) = 0

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and ˆEj

|Pj |1/k dHm−1 ≤ C(m, k) ‖Pj‖1/kCk−1,1 . (8.7)

Since kα ∈ N+ (cf. (8.1)),

(h1/k)kα = exp(

1k log h

)kα= exp

(kαk log h

)= exp

(α log h

)= hα

is a parameterization of the multi-valued function hα in SBV (Rm) which is con-tinuous on Rm \ E0 and satisfies

Shα = Jhα = E0 and Dc(hα) = 0.

Similarly, since k/q ∈ N+, h1/q = (h1/k)k/q is a parameterization of the multi-valued function h1/q in SBV (Rm) which is continuous on Rm \ E0 and satisfies

Sh1/q = Jh1/q = E0 and Dc(h1/q) = 0.

By the same reason P1/qj = (P

1/kj )k/q, for 1 ≤ j ≤ r, is a parameterization of

the multi-valued function P1/qj in SBV (Rm) which is continuous on Rm \ Ej and




= JP


= Ej and Dc(P1/qj ) = 0.

For 1 ≤ j ≤ r, the identity y1/qj = P

1/qj /hs/q yields a parameterization in

SBVloc(Ω0) of the multi-valued function y1/qj which is continuous on Ω0 \ (E0∪Ej)

and satisfies


= Jy1/qj⊆ Ω0 ∩ (E0 ∪ Ej) and Dc(y

1/qj ) = 0.

Then, by Theorem 4.2 and (4.3) (note that ψ admits a Lipschitz C1-extension toR2n), there is a parameterization φ of ϕ in SBVloc(Ω0) which is continuous in Ω0\E,where E :=

⋃rj=0Ej , and satisfies

Sφ = Jφ ⊆ Ω0 ∩ E and Dcφ = 0.

The rest of the proof is devoted to showing that φ has bounded variation on Ω0

(not just locally); for this we use the chain rule (4.2) and the product rule (4.3).Note that on h1/k coincides with its precise representative on Rm \E0; similarly for

P1/kj , etc. In the following computations we let q = 1 if r+ 1 ≤ j ≤ n. First of all,

Dφ = hαD(ψ(y1/q)) + ψ(y1/q)D(hα)

= hα∇ψ(y1/q)D(y1/q) + ψ(y1/q)D(hα).

Since kα ∈ N+, the map z 7→ zkα is C1 and hence, by the chain rule (4.2),

D(hα) = D((h1/k)kα

)= kα (h1/k)kα−1 D(h1/k) = kαhα−1/k D(h1/k).

Analogously, we find

D(h1/q) =k

qh1/q−1/k D(h1/k) and D(P

1/qj ) =



1/q−1/kj D(P

1/kj ).

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Dφ = hα∇ψ(y1/q)(P

1/qj D(h−s/q) + h−s/qD(P

1/qj )


+ ψ(y1/q)D(hα)

= hα∇ψ(y1/q)(− ks


1/qj h−s/q−1/kD(h1/k) +



1/q−1/kj D(P

1/kj )


+ kαψ(y1/q)hα−1/kD(h1/k)

= ∇ψ(y1/q)(− ks


1/qj hα−1/kD(h1/k) +



1/q−1/kj hα−s/k D(P

1/kj )


+ kαψ(y1/q)hα−1/kD(h1/k).

Since ψ ∈ C1(B) and k satisfies (8.1), we have on Ω0,

|Dφ| ≤ C(|D(h1/k)|+


|D(P1/kj )|


where C is a constant only depending on k, α, q, s, ‖h‖L∞ , and ‖ψ‖C1 (recall that|yj | < 1).

On the other hand for the jump part, (4.2) and (4.3) imply

Djφ = Π⊗ ν(hα,ψ(y1/q))Hm−1 x J(hα,ψ(y1/q)),


Π(x) =

((hα)+(x)− (hα)−(x)

)ψ(y1/q(x)) if x ∈ Jhα \ Jψ(y1/q),

hα(x)(ψ(y1/q)+(x)− ψ(y1/q)−(x)

)if x ∈ Jψ(y1/q) \ Jhα ,

(hα)+(x)ψ(y1/q)+(x)− (hα)−(x)ψ(y1/q)−(x) if x ∈ Jhα ∩ Jψ(y1/q).


|Djφ| ≤ Cr∑j=0

|h|αHm−1 x (Ω0 ∩ E)

for some constant C depending only on ‖ψ‖L∞ . We may conclude that φ ∈ BV (Ω0)and

|Dφ|(Ω0) ≤ |Dφ|(Ω0) + |Djφ|(Ω0)

≤ C(|D(h1/k)|(Ω0) +


|D(P1/kj )|(Ω0) +



|h|α dHm−1).

By Theorem 2.7 (or Theorem A.1), (8.6), and (8.7) (using |h|α = |h|1/k|h|α−1/k

and |h|α . |Pj |α/(s+1) = |Pj |1/k|Pj |α/(s+1)−1/k, by (8.2), where the second factorsare bounded in both cases, by (8.1)), we obtain

|Dφ|(Ω0) ≤ C(‖h‖1/k

Ck−1,1 +




for a constant C > 0 which depends only on m, k, α, q, s, ‖h‖L∞ , ‖ψ‖C1 , and‖Pj‖L∞ for 1 ≤ j ≤ r. Then (8.5) follows, since ‖φ‖L1(Ω0) ≤ |Ω0| ‖h‖αL∞‖ψ‖L∞ .

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Appendix A. Sobolev regularity of continuous roots

The next theorem is a refinement of [33, Theorem 2] in the case that Ω is aLipschitz domain.

Theorem A.1. Let Ω ⊆ Rm be a bounded Lipschitz domain. Let Pa be a monicpolynomial (1.1) with coefficients aj ∈ Cn−1,1(Ω), j = 1, . . . , n. Let λ ∈ C0(V ) be aroot of Pa on an open subset V ⊆ Ω. Then λ belongs to the Sobolev space W 1,p(V )for every 1 ≤ p < n

n−1 . The distributional gradient ∇λ satisfies

‖∇λ‖Lp(V ) ≤ C(m,n, p,Ω) max1≤j≤n

‖aj‖1/jCn−1,1(Ω). (A.1)

Proof. By [33, Theorem 1], λ is absolutely continuous along affine lines parallel tothe coordinate axes (restricted to V ). So λ possesses the partial derivatives ∂iλ,i = 1, . . . ,m, which are defined almost everywhere and are measurable.

Set x = (t, y), where t = x1, y = (x2, . . . , xm), and let V1 be the orthogonalprojection of V on the hyperplane x1 = 0. For each y ∈ V1 we denote byV y := t ∈ R : (t, y) ∈ V the corresponding section of V .

Let λyj , j = 1, . . . , n, be a continuous system of the roots of Pa(·, y) on V y such

that λ(·, y) = λy1; it exists since λ(·, y) can be completed to a continuous system ofthe roots of Pa(·, y) on each connected component of V y by [38, Lemma 6.17]. Ourgoal is to bound

‖∂tλ(·, y)‖Lp(V y) = ‖(λy1)′‖Lp(V y)

uniformly with respect to y ∈ V1.Let R = I1 × · · · × Im ⊆ Rm be an open box containing Ω and such that |Ii| ≤

diam(Ω) for all i = 1, . . . ,m. By Whitney’s extension theorem (cf. Section 3.2), thecoefficients aj of Pa admit a Cn−1,1-extension aj to Rm such that


‖aj‖1/jCn−1,1(R)≤ C(m,n,Ω) max


. (A.2)

Let Cy denote the set of connected components J of the open subset V y ⊆ R. Foreach J ∈ Cy we extend the system of roots λyj |J , j = 1, . . . , n, continuously to I1,

i.e., we choose continuous functions λy,Jj , j = 1, . . . , n, on I1 such that λy,Jj |J = λyj |Jfor all j and

Pa(t, y)(Z) =


(Z − λy,Jj (t)), t ∈ I1.

This is possible since λyj |J has a continuous extension to the endpoints of the

(bounded) interval J , by [26, Lemma 4.3], and can then be extended on the leftand on the right of J by a continuous system of the roots of Pa(·, y) after suitablepermutations.

By [33, Theorem 1], for each y ∈ V1, J ∈ Cy, and j = 1, . . . , n, the function λy,Jjis absolutely continuous on I1 and (λy,Jj )′ ∈ Lp(I1), for 1 ≤ p < n/(n− 1), with

‖(λy,Jj )′‖Lp(I1) ≤ C(n, p, |I1|) max1≤i≤n

‖ai‖1/iCn−1,1(R). (A.3)

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Let J, J0 ∈ Cy be arbitrary. By [32, Lemma 3.6], (λyj )′ as well as (λy,J0j )′ belong

to Lp(J) and we haven∑j=1

‖(λyj )′‖pLp(J) =


‖(λy,Jj )′‖pLp(J) =


‖(λy,J0j )′‖pLp(J).


‖(λyj )′‖pLp(V y) =∑J∈Cy


‖(λyj )′‖pLp(J) =∑J∈Cy


‖(λy,J0j )′‖pLp(J)



‖(λy,J0j )′‖pLp(V y) ≤n∑j=1

‖(λy,J0j )′‖pLp(I1).

In particular, by (A.3),

‖∂tλ(·, y)‖Lp(V y) = ‖(λy1)′‖Lp(V y) ≤ C(n, p, |I1|) max1≤i≤n


and so, by Fubini’s theorem,ˆV

|∂1λ(x)|p dx =


ˆV y|∂1λ(t, y)|p dt dy

≤(C(n, p, |I1|) max


)p ˆV1


Thus, thanks to |I1| ≤ diam(Ω),

‖∂1λ‖Lp(V ) ≤ C(n, p,diam(Ω)) max1≤i≤n


In view of (A.2) this implies (A.1), since the other partial derivatives ∂iλ, i ≥ 2,are treated analogously.


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Adam Parusinski: Universite Cote d’Azur, CNRS, LJAD, UMR 7351, 06108 Nice,

FranceEmail address: [emailprotected]>

Armin Rainer: Fakultat fur Mathematik, Universitat Wien, Oskar-Morgenstern-

Platz 1, A-1090 Wien, Austria & University of Education Lower Austria, Campus BadenMuhlgasse 67, A-2500 Baden, Austria

Email address: [emailprotected]

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Article information

Author: Mr. See Jast

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Views: 6030

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.