Cristiano Ronaldo's Goal Gives Al-Nassr Champions League Edge | Football News (2024)


World Cup 2023 Points Table

IND 9 9 0 0 0 18 +2.570
SA 9 7 2 0 0 14 +1.261
AUS 9 7 2 0 0 14 +0.841
NZ 9 5 4 0 0 10 +0.743
PAK 9 4 5 0 0 8 -0.199

Full Points Table

Live Scores & Results

'; var noMatchHtmlUpcoming = '

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  • No Recent Matches
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    % chance to win

    '; html += '

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    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    Draw ' + item.drawWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

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    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

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    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

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var inprogress = sortMatches(matchscores, 'inprogress',false) var upcoming = sortMatches(matchscores, 'upcoming',false) var recent = sortMatches(matchscores, 'recent', false) if (inprogress.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(inprogress, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'inprogress'); } catch (e) { } if ( == "cricket") { var team1score = item.participants[0].value.split('&'); var team2score = item.participants[1].value.split('&'); var scorehtml1 = ''; var scorehtml2 = ''; var activeclstm1 = ''; var activeclstm2 = ''; var playstatus = ''; var crr = ""; var scroedata; var crr_score = ""; var crr_overs = ""; try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { activeclstm1 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[0].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { activeclstm2 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[1].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } if (item.result_code != "A") { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == "test") { if (team1score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } } if (team2score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } else { if (team1score.length > 1) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ' ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } if (team2score.length > 1) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ' ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } try { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == 'test') { if (item.event_is_daynight == "false") { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Morning Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Lunch Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } else { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Opening Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Dinner Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } playstatus = "Day " + item.event_day + " " + playstatus; } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } catch (e) { playstatus = '' } var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } crr = parseFloat(crr_score) / parseFloat(crr_overs); crr = crr.toFixed(2); html += '

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  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + '' + item.participants[0].value + '' + team2n + '' + item.participants[1].value + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
  • '; } } }) $("#scr_live").html(html); } else { noLive = true; $("#scr_live").html(noMatchHtmlProgress); } if (upcoming.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(upcoming, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'upcoming'); } catch (e) { } var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var finaldate = dayNames[dt.getDay()] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ' - ' + formatAMPM(dt) + ' IST'; var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } if ( == "cricket") { html += '

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  • ' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + '' + team1n + ''+ scorehtml1 + ''+ team2n + '' + scorehtml2 + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
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    Players - Top Goals

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    • Teams - Top Assists
    Player Matches Goals
    Harry Kane England 6 6
    Romelu Lukaku Belgium 6 4
    Antoine Griezmann France 7 4
    Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 4 4
    Denis Cheryshev Russia 5 4

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    Cristiano Ronaldo's Goal Gives Al-Nassr Champions League Edge | Football News (2024)


    Cristiano Ronaldo's Goal Gives Al-Nassr Champions League Edge | Football News? ›

    HONG KONG, Feb 14 (Reuters) - Cristiano Ronaldo broke Al-Fayha's resistance nine minutes from time to give Al-Nassr

    Al Nassr (Arabic: النصر) is the Arabic word for "victory", clubs with the same name are found in Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE, and Libya but the Saudi Arabian club was the first to take the name. The club's logo represents the map of Arabia with yellow and blue colors. › wiki › Al_Nassr_FC
    a 1-0 win over fellow Saudi Pro League
    Saudi Pro League
    The Saudi Pro League (SPL), known as the Roshn Saudi League (RSL) for sponsorship reasons, is the highest division of association football in the Saudi league system. The first season of competition was the 1976–77 season. › wiki › Saudi_Pro_League
    side in the first leg of their Asian Champions League last 16 clash in Riyadh on Wednesday.

    Has Ronaldo scored a goal for Al Nassr yet? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 56 goals in 62 matches for Al Nassr since joining the Riyadh-based club, which plays in the Saudi Pro League.

    How many goals Cristiano Ronaldo scored in Al Nassr? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo's total career goals for club and country
    Al Nassr5450
    Manchester United346145
    Real Madrid438450
    3 more rows
    Apr 3, 2024

    How many goals scored Ronaldo in 2024? ›

    19Cristiano Ronaldo (Al-Nassr) ↔️

    In 2023-24: 38 goals, 14 assists. Many presumed Ronaldo was done with the Ballon d'Or after he missed out on the 30-man shortlist for the first time since 2003 last year, but there was still a route for the five-time winner to force himself back into contention for 2024.

    How many goals has Ronaldo scored including friendlies? ›

    Soccer Statistics Foundation), Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 849 goals in his career including club friendlies. This includes 847 goals for clubs (Sporting CP, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Juventus, and Al Nassr) and 2 goals for Portugal.

    Who is better than Messi? ›

    Ronaldo has an edge over Messi in the Champions League, his love affair with the competition earning him the moniker 'Mr Champions League'. The Al-Nassr star has also enjoyed notable success on the international stage with Portugal, winning the European Championship and the UEFA Nations League.

    Who is top scorer of Al Nassr? ›

    Majed Ahmed Abdullah is Al Nassr's all-time leader in goals scored and appearances.

    Who will win Ballon d or 2024? ›

    RankPlayerGoals in 2023/24
    1Jude Bellingham22
    2Phil Foden22
    3Kylian Mbappé47
    4Erling Haaland34
    6 more rows
    2 days ago

    Who is best Messi or Ronaldo? ›

    Who is better Messi Or Ronaldo? Ronaldo has scored a record number of international goals and appearances, but Messi has won more Ballon d'Or awards (8). Messi has spent most of his playing career in Spain and France, while Ronaldo has played in Portugal, England, Spain, and Italy.

    How many goals Messi scored in 2024? ›

    Number of goals scored by Lionel Messi from 2004/2005 to 2023/2024
    CharacteristicNumber of goals
    9 more rows
    Mar 8, 2024

    How many goals did Ronaldo score at 23 years old? ›

    Career goals for club and country age 23: 252 - Neymar Jr. 186 - Leo Messi. 127 - Cristiano Ronaldo.

    Did Ronaldo score 5 goals in his career? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo's five goals beat several records. It is the first time that he has achieved the feat in his entire career. Cristiano Ronaldo achieved another epic achievement against Granada CF.

    How many goals did Ronaldo score at 24 years old? ›

    The Sun Football - Goals scored by age 24: Romelu Lukaku - 165 Luis Suarez - 164 Cristiano Ronaldo - 145 Thierry Henry - 125 Zlatan Ibrahimovic - 110 | Facebook.

    How many goals has Ronaldo scored right now? ›

    He has scored a record 885 senior career goals for club and country. Moreover, he is one of the few recorded players to have made over 1,200 professional career appearances.

    How many match did Ronaldo play for Al-Nassr? ›


    Ronaldo has been central to Nassr's form this season, enjoying an incredible campaign in which he has scored 36 goals in 37 games in all competitions; he has also registered 12 assists, so his absence is sure to be keenly felt.

    How many goals has cr7 scored? ›

    He has now scored 875 official goals is his career to date.

    Ronaldo finished 2023 as the top scorer ahead of Kylian Mbappé and Erling Haaland and he wants more.

    Who is the highest goal scorer in the Saudi Pro League? ›

    1Cristiano Ronaldo | Al-Nassr | 29 goals

    The icon. The legend. The GOAT? Wherever the former Real Madrid and Manchester United striker ranks in the history of sporting greats, his influence on the Saudi Pro League cannot be understated.


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