Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

CALL CLASSIFIED DIRECT 663-7100 POST, Sunday, June 25, 1995 Help Wanted 302 Help Wanted 302 Help Wanted 302 Help Wanted 302 Help Wanted 302 Help Wanted 302 COURIER JHetp Wanted 302 HOTEL-We're looking for a new team. Positions avail: Head Server, Hou-i seperson Banquet Servers. We offer flex, environment competitive wages. Call Marlene 939-4300 for an interview btwn 9am-2pm. HOUSECLEANERS for 'growing cleaning service.

S7-S9hr. Marnle 782-8248 HOUSEKEEPER babv-" Sitter Voorhees, live-In or out, PT, tlOOwk. 751-5603 for busy pediatric fa- cllltv. Exp. pref but 'Will train.

Good starting rate bnfts. Apply In per- son at Voorhees Pediatric Facility, 1304 Laurel Oak Voorhees, NJ. EOE. HUMAN RESOURCE ADMINISTRATOR S30K over- see payroll, workmans benefits, counsel- Ing, union exp. a plus, supervise dept.

of 3, handle office functions. Fax re- -sume Attn: Bridget Moo- mev, 231-0022. ''APIA The Employment People NeveraFee 'HUMAN RESOURCES BENEFITS ADMINISTRATOR S-P lease see our ad under Pension. "Towers Perrln. HVAC MECHANICS, 'exp'd, installation service for busy co.

Top pay for those who are motivated. Coll 627-833 -HVAC MECHANICS Must be able to manage new -home tract iobs. Best benefit pckg in industry with top earning for lead Mech "Only quality installers need apply at Atmostemp Inc. 215-B Clifton Ave. W.

Berlin, NJ. 783-6600 HVACR-Cert. Tech. w3-5 yrs. exp.

Knowledge of VAV systems, chillers, (controls. Send resume Box 5300, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 HVAC SERVICE TECH. tain. 2 yrs field exper. for qualified, motivated ser- vice person to start service gas furnaces air "conditioners.

Class II Cert, req'd. Co. truck, health benefits, vac. holiday pay incl'd. for right Indlv.

Coll 596-5001 "INSTALLER-forfenceco. Exp. helpful, not nec. Own transp, ad sal. 854-1903 INSTALLERS- needed for the wireless cable industry.

Will train. Insured van or PU. Call 1-800-560-1010 btw. 10-5pm. NEW HORIZONS CAN YOU TEACH A leader in the Computer Software Training Industry is seeking add I.

who have a strong knowledge of various software applications. Networking knowledge a plus. Join a grow-ing co. who has trained over 500,000 students nationwide. Please fax your resume to (W) 435-33A) INSURANCECLAIMS $1,000.00 Hiring Bonus Not Vour Average TPA is seeking Not Your Average group medicaldental -claim analysts.

Center Philadelphia TPA to compare our outstanding record of perfor 8D MACHINERY FITTER ASSEMBLER Mfgr of Industrial type food process-Ing machinery reqs exp'd. assemblerfitter for floor 8. bench work building electro mechanical 8. hvdraullcally driven equip. Must be exp'd 829-3110 tor oppt.

MACHINIST CNC turningmachining center operator. Must be able to read prints, do own setup and know FANUC controls. Salary commensurate with abilities. Full time with good pay benefits. Call for appointment 8-5 pm at 609-829-4721.

MACHINIST-Machlne Operator. CNC exp. pret d. FTPT. BCBS, 401k, ac shop.

H.N. Lucas S. Son, 764-2400 MAILING EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Immed. opening for a mechanic who Is fully qualified in setting up 8. maintaining Inserting equipment.

Min. 4 vrs. exp. req'd. Additional knowledge of collating 8.

shrink wrap equipment is a plus. This Is career oppty. Salary commensurate with ability. Lucrative fringe benefit pkg. avail.

663-2500 MAINTENANCE AIRMATIC INC. See AdunderMECHANIC MAINTENANCE Driver-PT, assist wgen'l. maint. cleanup duties. Respons.

for driving co. truck, valid drivers lie. 8. gd. driving record.

College Students all others welcome. Flex. hrs. involves Sats. Call April or Jim, Mo-Fr.

10-4, 751-6776 or fax resume 751-1960. MAINTENANCE-FT or PT, for apt. bldg. Call 435-9229, 424-5883. MAINTENANCE- Immed.

Must know all phases of apt. maint. Exp. in HVAC pref'd. Apply at The Waterford or call 428-6888 MAINTENANCE MANW Exp'd.

Own tools. Good starting salary. Apt. Incl'd. 908-247-0031 MAINTENANCE Mechanic Woodworking equipment exper.

req'd. 1st 8. 2nd shifts. 234-1450 MAINTENANCE Mechanic. Weare a leader In poultry processing.

We have a career opportunity on our 2nd shift for skilled maint. mechanic. Must have 5 yrs. exp. preferably with food processing.

Electrical backgrd. a must. Must be able to work independently. Exc. Pay benefits.

Send resume with salary history to: HR Mar. Box 104, Williams-town, NJ 08094. EOE. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Occidental Chemical Corporation Is seeking a candidate for an opening In the maintenance department on Beverly Burlington, NJ. Responsibilities include electro-mechanical repair of process and support equipment to operate and maintain PVC resin facility.

Applicant must have a minimum of 4 years Industrial maintenance experience. Elec trical background a plus. This position is In a unionized facility with starting wages of S16.49hr., Increasing to after nine months. Shift work may be required. OXYCHEM offers an excellent wage and benefit package.

If you meet the above qualifications and would like to loin our team, please complete an apllcatlon at: New Jersey Job Service, Attn: OXYCHEM Job Placement Counselor, 220 Broad Street, Burlington, New Jersey. Applications and resumes accepted Monday, June 26th -Friday, June 30th from and No fee charged. No phone calls please. Equal OpportunltyAfflr- mative Action Employer. Help Wanted 302 LEASING Consultant, FTPTforS.J.area.

Prestigious location, exp pref'd but not nec. Willing to train right person. bonuses bnfts. 770-0055 LEASING Consultant PT, approx. 20 hrs.

per wk. Must be avail, to work some wknds. Sal'y comm. Apply in person: Roberts Mill 165 Great Maple Shade. LEASING CONSUL-TAN T- Needed for Irg apt.

community. Great oppty. for upbeat, energetic, outgoing person wgood organizational skills. Marketing background a plus. Fax resume to 228-9082 or call Fountalnview Village, 228-2100 LEGAL ASSISTANT CherrvHIII lawflrmseeks entryexpd.

level Legal Assist. WordPerfect 5.1 excellent communication skills req'd. Send resume salary req. to Shapiro 8. Kreisman, 457 Haddonfield Suite 420, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 LEGAL-BILLER Exc oppty wprogresslve firm.

Great bnfts plush. FAX 662-0146 or call Snelling Personnel Serv. 5425 Rt 70 662-5424 LEGAL TEMPORARIES TO S14H0UR SECRETARIES TO S17H0UR PARALEGALS Flexible schedules. Work a few days per week, a few weeks per month or everyday. (We do permanent Placements tool Never a tee.

Call 751-7999. 1, ms LEGAL-MEDICAL STAFFING Plaza 1000Ste. 301 Main Street, Voorhees Legal Secretary LOOKING FOR A CHANGE? Please see our ad under Dental PO Box 368, Blackwood LEGAL SECRETARY PT Sect'yParalegal needed for small Ch. Hill law firm. 3-5 exp.

in processing auto Insurance claims. Please fax resume to: 795-4141. LEGAL SECRETARY FT 8. PT positions, min. 3 yrs legal exp.

Exc computer 8. typing skills; WP 6.0 rea tor small general practice firm In Cherry Hill. Immediate opening. Must be self starter wstrong organizational skills. Send resume wcover letter and salary requirements to Box 1268, Marlton NJ 08053 LEGAL SECRETARY-PT 9-2, defense litigation practitioner seeks exp.

secretary, Word Perfect 5.1 necessary. Fax resume to 848-5422. LEGAL SECRETARY, FT position. Exp. nec.

Send resume to Personnel PO Box 1164, Haddonfield, NJ 08033-0685. Legal Secretary EXPERIENCED Good pay. No fee I Immed. need for your legal bkgd 8. good skills to work for great boss In a good firm.

Call Diane PD QUICK TEMPS 125D Galther Dr. Mt Laurel, NJ 439-9696 LEGAL SECRETARY Prestigious CC law firm seeks experienced exec or legal secretary. Position is for Partner 8. Associate In litigation. Rea.

Indlv. who Is comfort-able speaking welected public officials. Requires typing 60-65wpm, exp wWP 5.1 or WP 6.1. Must possess exc written oral comm skills. Please faxforward resume to Colleen at (215)751-2205, H-119, P.O.

Box 1924, PA 19105. EOE. LEGAL SECRETARY House Consel ofc, tor Royal Ins. Co seeks Secty for litigation atty. Legal exp.

pref'd. Exc. typing skills (mln. 65 wpm) 8. computer exp.

req. WP 5.1 Competitive sal. 8. exc. benefits pkg.

Drug test req'd. Mall resume In confidence wsal. req. to Law offices of James F. Heoley 700 Black Horse Pk Ste 202, TurnersvllleNJ 08012 LEGAL SECRETARY Estab.

law firm, next to Rutgers Camden. Legal 8, computer exp. req'd. Gd benefits, on site parking. Resume, refs.

8. sal. history rea d. 365-7665 LEGAL SECRETARY Moorestown law firm. Brandt Haughev looking tor indiv.

wstrong legal background 8. exc. typing skills. R.E. legal exp.

a plus. Exc. salary benefits. Call 609-235-1111 LEGAL SECTY. Busy Ch Hill firm, needs Exp'd.

person wexcel. skills, shorthand pert well organized, Lyn 428-4371 LEGAL SECRETARY. FT PT, for attorney 8. developer. Must have backgrnd.

In real estate transactions. Salary corn-men, wexp. Fax resume salary requirements to: 767-5096. LEGAL SECTY FT. Immed.

opening for sm. growing C.C. law firm. Exc. typing (65 wpm), proficient In WP 5.1, Send resume wsal reqs.

to. Ofc Mgr, 225 S. 15th Suite 1600, Lewis Tower Phlla, 19102, (Bldg loc. near spdln entrs, exit) LEGAL SECTY. J30K.

Mid sized Phlld. CC law firm seeks secretary w2-3 yrs. legal exp. WordPerfect 5.1, 6.0, dictaphone, nice atmosphere, great boss. Excel, bnfts.

Call 215-568-7191 LEGAL SECT'Y 3 MONTHS If you know MSWorks 8, have bankruptcy exp. register now for this assign, in cherry HIM. No FeeEOE. TEMPORARIES 200 Lake Dr. E.

Ste 106 CHERRYHILL 482-9800 WOODBURY 464-0020 LEGAL SECTY- Poss. temp, to perm. Litigation exp. needed. Excel.

oppty. CALL IMMED. 722-9191, fax 722-1110. THE CITTONE GROUP 523 Fellowship Rd. Mt.

Laurel, NJ LEGAL SECTY. PT, FT. Excel. WP 6.0 skills, Good writing, call 722-1 100 LEGAL Secty-TEMPS NEEDED! We have the best firms In town) Great time to sign up for summer months. Most positions: J11-S13 hr.

American Barrister, 58 Downing Cherry Hill. 751-8188. LIFE GUARD- PT. Sun-nybrook In Lumberton. S6.50hr.

Call Scott, 468-3617 LIFEGUARDS, Clean-Up Snack Bar Help. Ages 16 up. FTPT. Apply Bell-mawr Lake, 931-2062. LIFEGUARDSneededfor Atsion Recreation area.

For info. application call 609-561-0024 or 609-268-0444 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Kaye Personnel has several immed. lob openings In your area. See our Ad under Production to apply 1868 Rt. 70 East Cherry HIII489-1200 Lighting Installers Will- train.

Need some tools 8. transp. 953-1890 LOAN OFFICERS REFINANCING IS BACK We have qualified leads for exp'd Loan Officers. Every loan program Imaginable. Call 778-7500, ext.

110. LUMBER YARD worker driver, exp. nec. 50 hr work week. Forkllft exp.

Familiar with local area and product knowledge a must. CDL license rea d. Apply Mr. Roberts Lumber, 50 Clements Bridge Barrlngton MACHINE Operators Assemblers- Custom plastic fabricating co. seeking motivated people wablll-ty to learn various types of machinery 8, capable of operating power hand tools.

Exp. wCNC equip, helpful but not nec. Must have shift flexibility. Exc. bnfts working conds.

Please call 778-4300. Help Wanted 302 INSURANCE-Llfehealth agency In Haddonfield. Exp'd Admin. Asst. wcomputer knowledge secretarial skills.

FTPT. Call 354-0555 INSURANCE MAKE THE ROYAL CAREER MOVE A FIRST RATE OPPORTUNITY Royal one of the world's leading PC Insurers, credits much of Its success talent, enthusiasm 8. professionalism of our employees. Since the cornerstone of our co. Is the performance of Its people, we seek highly motivated professionals to loin our commercial lines divisions.

Senior Commercial Lines Rater Reas: a high level of rating expertise, incl 4-6 yrs CL rating exp Incl knowl of manual electronic rating systems for multiple lines wstrong emphasis on package auto pref'd. Must have exc. comm'n skills 8. ability to train others In the utilization of complex rating programs. We offer a fine starting salary and generous benefits.

For Immediate consideration, send your resume to; PatLindh, Royal Insurance, 330 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. EOE MFHV. INSURANCE SALES Leading New Jersey Insurance firm has an opportunity for an energetic Individual In our Long Term CareVoluntary Benefits Dept. This position requires 3-5 years Insurance sales experience. Candidate must have working knowledge of long term care Insurance and voluntary bene fits, and hold a NJ state license In life and health.

4 year college degree preferred. Quality leads will be provided. We offer a competitive compensation benefits pkg. are conveniently located near I-95295 8. Route 1.

Please fax a resume to: (609)895-1511 or mall your resume to: Donald F. Smith Assoc 3120 Princeton Pike P.O. Box 6509 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-0509 Equal Oppty Employer INSURANCE Supp. Health Sales wAFLAC New York. Great oppty for top, independent producers to mkt these plans in NJ.

A rated top comms, advances 8. mgmt opptys.609-890-1722 INSURANCE-Well es-tab d. ins. retailer seeking indiv. with commer I.

underwritingmkrg servicing exp. Various opptys. avail. Send resume to Cashan Co. Attn.

C.L. Mgr. P.O. Box 436, Hammonton, NJ 08037 INTERIOR DESIGN- See Hechlnger's ad In the "retail" section. INVENTORY Control Receiving entry level position, FT, start Incentive program.

Apply in person 9om-llam at ICC, 1263 Glen Unit 280, Moorestown. 722-5535 INVENTORY Planning SCHEDULER (NON-EXEMPT) Requires 2-5 years experience In scheduling manufacturing production and maintaining finished goods Inventory levels for distribution. Good communication and Interpersonal skills. PC proficiency required; college degree preferred. Apply In person or send resume to: SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 400 N.

Woodbury Rd Pitman, NJ 08071. EOE, MF. Whatever you're looking for it's in today's Classified section Help Wanted 302 INVESTIGATORS-exp d. in techniques of video surveillance for ins. defense.

Must possess valid divers lie. reliable vehicle. 609-985-9696, M-F, -4pm. JANITORIAL-Malnte-nance position, 3 mos. em-ploymt.

May lead to perm. position. Call 429-2293. JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE Cherry Hill electronics co. requires 2 people for lanl-torlal 8.

some maintenance related duties. Hrs Mon-Frloccasional 1 person 25-40 hrs, other person 10-20 hrs, 4pm-8pm. EOEMFHV. Please send resumequalifications to: CO JM P.O. Box 2670 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 JANITORIAL PT, 5AM-9AM, 6 davs wkly, all phases of cleaning, car req'd.

Wllllngboro Som-erdale areas 795-9022 ask for code 114. JANITORIAL-PT Carpet, Upholstery 8. Tile Technician. Must have valid drivers lie. 8.

own transp. Call 933-0835 JANITORIAL-PT eves. 1-3 hrs per night. 3-6 nights per week In Turnersville, Clnnamlnson, Woodbury 8, Medford area. 939-0835.

JANITORIAL PT. Cherry Hill 8. Mt. Laurel area. Hrs.

6-10 pm. Must hove own transp. Call 428-8450 JANITORIAL SUPERVISOR for Mt. Laurel area, Sun. -Thurs.

PT CLN for Mt. Laurel area, -9pm, M-F. FTCLNRSfor Mt. Laurel area, Sun-Thurs. Must have car.

Call aft. 10am, 1-800-851-3781. JANITOR Immediate opening for PT dependable ianitor. Must have vehicle. Morning hours.

Apply In person RICE HOLAAAN Truck Center 7200 Maple Ave. Pennsauken, NJ EOE 488-1000 JEWELERSALESPER-SON-Would you like to grow with our Opening soon In Sears Lawrenceville Moorestown, NJ). Jeweler must have own equip. -3 yrs. exp.

in repairs, custom designs, stone setting, retail sales. Salary comm. Contact Jewelry Repairs by Us, 908-780-1500 KENNEL NURSE, very busy animal hospital needs exp'd person for cleaning cages animal care. Please coll Mon. thru 7am-2pm, 854-7575.

KINDERGARTENElem School Teacher. Brook-lawn School District needs FT 8, PT (10 mo) Kln-dergartenElem. School Teacher. Send Inquiries, resumes 8. credentials to Dr.

Douglas W. Howlett, Brooklawn Bd of Ed, Haakon Rd Brook-lawn, NJ 08030. EOAAE KITCHEN 8. BATH DESIGN- See Hechlnger 's ad In the "retail" section. LABOR R-Needed to start, no necc.

609-953-2770. PRODUCTION OPEN HOUSE MONDAY JUNE 26 9AM TO 1PM We have many openings avail, in your area incl: Camden-Recycling pos. HrS MOn tlirU Fri. Work boots a must. Co.

on bus line Cherry Hill L.I. pos. Hrs. Mon thru Fri. Not on bus line Cherry Hill-Forklift pos.

Hrs. Mon thru Fri. $6hr. Not on busline Bridgeport-Gen'l Labor er Mon-Fri. Not on bus line Bring 2 forms of ID MI 1868 Rt.

70 East CherryHIII489-1200 LABORER-Stucco 8, dry-vlt. FT. Car nec. $8hr up. Call 770-8203.

LABORER SUMMER HELP Inductotherm Corp. has several laborer positions open tor persons 1 8 years of age or older. Rate is S6.50hour. Stop by our Personnel Office to 10:30 AM and 1:30 to 3:30 PM, Monday thru Friday and complete an application. Inductotherm Corp.

10 Indei Ave. Roncocas, NJ 08073 Exlt45A, Rt. 295 Equal Oppty Emp. LABOR POOL EM SCIENCE has four (4) openings in the manufacturing department of Its Gibbstown facility. The duties of these entry-level positions will initially Include general cleaning and porter work of the manufacturing area as well as the lab and office areas.

Qualified candidates will have the opportunity for advancement Into the manufacturing, filling and assembly areas. Skills required Include good reading, writing and communication skills. Some college and chemistry or chemical Industry background as wel I as GMP experience are a plus. The work hours are 6:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday (10 hoursday or 40 hour work week). Interested candidates should send resume to: Mrs.

Gerry Pohlig Human Resources Manager EM SCIENCE 480 Democrat Road Gibbstown, NJ 08027 EOE MFHV LAB TECHNICIAN We have an Immediate opening for a Lab Technician at our Maple Shade, NJ facility. Requires at least 2 years college degree In Chemistry with particular emphasis on PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Computer literacy and experience In a CHEMICAL MANUFAC-TURING ENVIRONMENT are pluses. Responsibilities will include testing raw materials and finished goods, formulation and product development Please forward resume to: STONHARD, INC (An RPM Company) P.O. Box 308, Maple Shade, NJ 08052.

FAX: 609-321-7525. ATTN: Personnel Dept. EOE, MFHV. LANDSCAPE AsstSu-pervlsorsLaborers needed for the following positions. Commercial lawn maint.

pesticide applicators and ornamental care. Must have exp. and a val Id N.J. drivers He. 424-1727.

LANDSCAPE DESIGN-See Hechlnger's ad In the "retail" section. LANDSCAPE 8. LAWN Maint. positions avail. Exp pref'd.

Drivers lie. a must. Call 424-1565 LANDSCAPE MAINT. Health b'nfts'avallable: Call 779-1533 LANDSCAPING-FT position avail, west'd 8. growing landscaping 8.

Irrigation co. Val Id driv. lie. req'd. Must have at least 5 yrs exp.

westlmating, layout Installation of underground sprinkler sys. Position avail, immed. Earnings Incl. base sal'y 4 comm. Call 424-1300 lawn maintenance FOREMANw.

Must be EXPERIENCED in directing Irg commercial crew for well-est. co. Gd. sal. 8.

bnfts. Only QUALIFIED persons should ap ply. Call 231-8442. LEASING AGENT PT 28 hrs per wk. Frl-Mon.

Ramblewood Village Apts. Mt. Laurel 234-1400 LEASING Consultant Asst. to Mgr. National leader In property mgmt.

has pos. avail, for 188 unit garden style apt. community. The pref'd. candidate will be organized have previous exp.

In leasingsales. Must be avail, to work wkends. Please fax resume, ref s. sal. reqmnts.


WEXP. CALL MR. CLEMONS: 541-0088 MAINTENANCE TECH. For garden type community In S. Jersey.

Call 848-1559 MAI NTENANCE-US Pipe Foundry a ductile Iron foundry located In Burlington, NJ, Is now hiring heavy Industrial Equip. Mechs. (JU.70hr), Heavy Mobile Equip. Mech. Industrial Electricians (S12.67hr).

Electricians must have DC exp. Full bnft. pckg. Send your resume to: The Employment Manager, US Pipe E. Pearl Burlington, NJ 08016.

EOE. MF. MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT, See our Ad under General Help, 768-3318 Management Branch Management Trainee Join a growth-oriented, Fortune 500 service company with over 500 U.S. locations. We are currently offering a comprehensive, hands-on 9 month training program for Branch Managers that will show you how to manage our lucrative business.

Your prior manage ment experience or strong leadership skills will earn you the following: Management of a SIM branch office Training salary Mid to Upper S20 Extensive benefits Generous bonus Incentives Company car upon branch assignment Must be willing to relocate after training. If you're interested in a bright future with a great company, send letter and resume by July 10th to: Box 594, Box 5300, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034. Equal Oppty Employer MANAGEMENT DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Hands-on manager needed to coordinate the distribution of products and meet deadlines In a bustling warehouse. Proven experience needed In the areas of managing people and inventory. Math and communication skills are a must.

Excellent starting salary and 100 company paid benefits. Send resume with salary history to: AS CONFIDENTIAL REPLY SERVICE, Dept. 6PA235, P.O. Box 59299, Philadelphia, PA 19102. EOE MANAGEMENT- Energetic, quality-minded service operations prof, needed to manage PhiladelphiaSouth Jersey branch of leading high growth national service company.

VehlCare is America's largest on-site commercial fleet maintenance co. Candidate must have the ability to implement corporate strategies to all facets of business. We require: 3-6 years operations exp. with a mln. of 2 yrs.

In mgt. Quality andprocessoriented, ability to manage service personnel and scheduling systems. BABS degree. VehlCare offers a comprehensive compensation package including; salary, bonuses, stock-incentives, health benefits, along with outstanding advancement opportunities. Interested candidates should send resume in confidence, along with salary history, to: VehlCare Corp.

FM-PH 290 Woodcllff Falrport, NY 14450. Fax 716-248-9404. Openings MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Full-time temporary position to participate In all aspects of building maintenance Including plumbing, carpentry, HVAC, etc. Must have a minimum of 3 years experience at a large facility. Please send resume to: A-92, P.O.

Box 2068, Philadelphia, PA 19103. EOE. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE seeks a full-time Journeyman Mechanic to work nights, Monday through Friday. Preventive maintenance on conveyor equipment. Strong electrical background needed.

Electrical degree preferred but not necessary. Generous salary and excellent benefits with a reputable and stable company. Fax resume to (215)937-2299. EOEAA. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC-Exp.

person for garden apt. complex. Must have tools, transp. refs. We provide health ins.

salary range Of 770-0666 MAINTENANCE MECHANICTRAINEE The maint. dept. of our 400,000 sq.ft. dlst. ctr.

has Immediate openings for several experienced material handling equipment mechanics. Willing to train the right individuals. Trainees must have basic mechanical ability and the desire to learn. Send resumes to: Maintenance Dept. Burlington Coat Factory 1830 Rt 130 North Burlington, NJ 08016 Maintenance Person FT position, various duties throughout dealership.

Apply to George Schaffer, 589-2020. ELICKIl CHEVROLET Gecl Del sea Dr. Pitman, NJ MAINTENANCE person. Apt. exp.

Lt. elec, heating plumbing. 424-0497 MAINTENANCE PERSON Call 547-0794 MAINTENANCE person, dependable, FT needed for busy apt. complex.

Must be exp'd in all phases of apt. maint. Must have own tools transp. HVAC certlf a plus. Apply In person.

Chateau Ridge Pine Hill. 783-4666 ADD SPARKLE SPICE PLUS HIGH READERSHIP TO YOUR SALES MESSAGES WITH A COURIER-POST CLASIFIED ADVERTIsem*nT CALL 663-7100 Part-Time MANAGEMENTSALES Looking for sharp, ambitious go-getters In search of a career. No exp, PAI TRAINING! Start Im-medly, salary bnfts. Call 215-425-8990 MANAGEMENT TIRED OF THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS? Late hours, Sunday work and NO holidays oft? If you are a goal oriented, self-motivated person and need the right opportunity, consider a career in the i growing RENT-TO-OWN Industry. The aualltles we are looking for are the same ones that made you successful In the Food Service Industry.

We are seeking candidates with the ethics and desire to be a winner In our Manager Training Program. We offer: Complete Training Competitive Salary Rapid Advancement 5 Day work week Paid Holidays Comprehensive benefits program 2 Weeks vac. after 1st yr If you want the right lob at the right time, call Rich Forsyth at 609-394-0700 after 11 am. COLORTYME MANAGEMENT TRAIN $400. weekly 12 NEEDED Work where you can make a difference.

Security Systems Dealer. Saving llfes can be your career! Full training provided. Must have car 8. start immed. 1-800-841-3473 MANAGEMENT WE WANT TO INVEST IN YOU! ARE YOU: A victim of corporate downsizing? A recent college graduate? Tlredof noadvance- ment opportunity? Unrecognized and unrewarded? LINEAR NORTEK, multi-national, multl-bl I lion dollar conglomerate, is searching for management candidates for Its maior expansion-now underway.

If you want the opportunity to earn $80,000 plus the first year; with qualified benefit programs; profit sharing; comprehensive and continuing education and training; $500week minimum; and a long term management career the chal lenge and loin our winning team. Must be motivated, professional and eager to advance. If accepted, you will be trained to Fortune 500 standards In our Branch Office Management Training Progrom. Must be able to start Immediately. Cherry Hill, NJ Regional Headquarters 1-800-LINEAR-6 Ext 103, Mr.

Frederick MANAGER DELI VERY Exp'd. driver toalso organize a team of other drivers. Call Leonettl's Pizzeria, 858-1810 MANAGER Growingprogressive, local Industrial contractor seeks dynamic person to manage multiple proiects and field personnel. 3 to 5 yrs. mln.

exp. required In a variety of fields with concentration In Industrial maintenance and construction. Admlnsitra-tlve, organizational and communication skills a must. Please send resume and salary requirements to: Box 600. Courier-Post, PO Box 5300, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 MANAGER or Mgmt.

Trainee, (4), mf. Start $25K. Exp. not nec. HI energy non alcoholic nightclub chain.

931-9636. funn. mance and client satlsfac-, tlon with your record of performance and service orientation. If you are bright, articulate, have at least 2 years of claims processing experience and are proud of your accomplishments, send resume Ms. Shannon Coleman I Dir.

of Administration 21st Century Health 8. Benefits, Inc. 1 1845 Walnut Street, 23rd Floor -Philadelphia, PA 19103 INSURANCE CL Rater Co. In Mt. Laurel Is seeking exp'd CL Rater Bnft pkg.

avail. Coll Noncy 235-8890. Insurance Exp'd romm I lines CSR, must be He d. Reply to: Commerce Ins. Agency, P.O.

Box 309, Slcklervllle, NJ 08081 or call 728-4300. INSURANCE LIFE ANNUITIES Nat'l. Mkta. Org. resp.

for over 120 million of prem. per yr is growlngl I 6 positions have been created filled over past 6 mos. Op-' portunlties curr. avail: ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Exper. In Life Ins.

sales. (Responsible for the re-. crulting support of Indep. ns. agents.

Apply your selling skills by teaching others how to sell. Competitive salary production based bonus. i ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Seek a high energy, flexible teom player to work directly wVP of Life Dlv. Life Ins Annuity MS of- flee exp a must. Sal.

commensurate wexp. To be considered SEND RESUME INCL. SAL. fEQ. to: E.RIvas 1 1 A 1 1 1 A I.

INC 403 Commerce Ln Bldg Berlin, 08009 DISPATCHER APPLIAHCE TECHHICIAHS Awi Hon)'ifWA fftafl Uirwt in PA Ki Df fm an ofjwwtg i rjfialrfwjf) 'mf ratwlly wvm fletit Ihft irvfivKliial mult f)M ffewm rrtfif, htghly rnotr-vHffld. a fi 'torttjt B.ome tart of the h-tvi grwifiq awii.irK,nelw.lf')fiics vsrvlw tuftm in ttw rwji'X) 'ound mpluyiwl I I'-nd VA.tfwis i Holidays Hwllh Mi-liMi Insurance ItttKRfihttmttnt Clan Wmthly Bunus PtuyrM Cushicr I)cli Clerks Produce Clerks Stock Clerks Asst. Bakers Mcat Wrappers Seafood Clerks Mcat Cutter IT KxClerKS Port ers These nurt-tlme positions olTer regular wmc ltunnw. PROGRAMMERS FINANCIAL SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT SUN WORKSTATIONS Due lo continued development of lutomaled systems, the PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE (PHLX), the oldest securities exhange in the nation, is currently seeking technically skilled individual! to lake pan in bringing advanced technology to the financial industry. We are currency interviewing for: UNIX SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Responsible for the coordination and supervision of theenginecring.implemcntalionandmainlcnanceof UNIXSUN based system.

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Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


How do I contact the Courier-Post in New Jersey? ›

The mailing address is The Courier-Post, P.O. Box 5300, Cherry Hill, NJ, 08034. For customer service and home-delivery, call (800) 677-6289. For all other questions, call our office at (856) 663-6000.

Who owns Courier-Post NJ? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

What is the local newspaper in Camden NJ? ›

NJ PEN — Local news for Camden County, New Jersey.

Is the courier-post printing plant in Cherry Hill to close in June? ›

The Courier-Post's production facility in Cherry Hill, which handles printing and packaging for several southern New Jersey and regional newspapers will close in June. The Courier-Post and its parent company, Gannett, announced the plant closure to the production staff Wednesday.

What time does courier post stop delivering? ›

Local/Regional deliveries - sent within a town/city/island

Allow up to 5 pm for residential addresses. For within-town/city deliveries, the delivery may be same-day to business addresses if items are picked up prior to 12 noon.

What is the largest newspaper in New Jersey? ›

The Star-Ledger is the largest circulation newspaper in New Jersey.

Does Camden SC have a newspaper? ›

Chronicle-Independent | Camden SC.

Does courier post still exist? ›

A new NZ Post brand

Our three delivery brands - NZ Post, CourierPost and Pace – have become one, with a fresh look and feel to match! You'll also notice simplification of our product names and services, making it easier to explore our offerings.

What days is post delivered? ›

Royal Mail delivers from Monday to Saturday, excluding bank holidays.

Is there a printer in the post office? ›

Most post offices have printing services available. The post office will print anything you send them via email or bring in person. They also offer other Scanning and photocopy service.

How do I contact post office about my package? ›

  1. 111-111-117.
  2. Director General Pakistan Post Office, G-8/4 Islamabad.
  4. Find Us on Facebook.
  5. Instagram.

Pakistan Post

How do I contact a post? ›

Filling out the contact us form at Completing an online enquiry form at Calling Customer Services on 353 (1) 705 7600. Writing to An Post Customer Services, General Post Office, O'Connell Street Lower, Freepost, Dublin 1, D01 F5P2.

How do I send a courier to someone? ›

Buy an envelope from the post office. Insert the letter/courier into it, seal the envelope, and write 'Speed Post' on the top of the envelope. Write the receiver's name, address, and contact details on the left side of the envelope.

How do I cancel my post and courier subscription? ›

How can I change my subscription or cancel? Please email us at or call us at 843-853-7678 and one of our customer service team members will be happy to assist.


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.