2014 Arts Mean Business Partners
Deaf SpotlightExecutive Director
First paid staff position to provide direction and leadership toward the achievement of the organization's mission and program strategies to inspire, encourage, and showcase creative works of, by, and for Deaf people in the Pacific Northwest through events that celebrate Deaf culture and American Sign Language.
DenshoMarketing Manager
New position to develop and implement marketing outreach programs that will engage the general public with personal video testimonies, historic photographs and documents, online history courses, and an online encyclopedia about the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans.
Eritrean Association in Greater SeattleFacilities Manager
Expansion of existing position from 16 hours/week to 40 hours/week to supervise and coordinate the use of the Eritrean Association Community Center facilities including booking events, handling logistics, doing maintenance work, and being on-site during events in order to increase the capacity of the Association to better address the needs of both Eritrean families and the broader immigrant/refugee community.
Northwest African American MuseumVisitor Services and Volunteer Manager
New position responsible for serving as an advocate for the visitor while simultaneously promoting the welfare of the Museum and resolving visitor concerns and complaints to their satisfaction and the Museum's. They are also responsible for managing guest service operations, volunteer management, and serving as the lead staff person for the Museum gift shop.
United Indians of All Tribes FoundationGallery Manager and Visual Arts Curator
New position to provide overall direction and management, as well as the artistic vision for curating Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center's Sacred Circle Gallery and Gift Shop, providing a showcase for local Native American art and culture, consignment sales of Native American art to support the artists, as well as providing business skills to local Native American Artists.
Wing Luke Asian Museum of the Asian Pacific American ExperienceEducation and Tours Director
Expansion of previously vacated Education Manager position to provide leadership and oversight of The Wing's expanding education and tours programs, including a redesign of a new business model for tours to better serve the International District and connect everyone with the communities' stories.
2012 Arts Mean Business Partners
Arts Corps — Program and Social Justice Training Coordinator
Create an arts-based social justice professional development earned revenue program.
ArtsEd Washington — Deputy Director
Refine fiscal planning, put in place strong operational systems, and develop new earned revenue streams to sustain core programs and finance the development of emerging program ideas.
Center on Contemporary Art — Outreach Director
Expand membership by creating new benefits and opportunities for artists and patrons; develop existing partnerships with Seattle Parks, Carkeek Park Advisory Council; and develop new partnerships with public schools.
Duwamish Tribal Services — Rental Marketer
Duwamish Longhouse Actively market availability and coordinate rentals of the longhouse as a cultural and event space.
Gage Academy of Art — Education Specialist
Support the development of a sequential pre-school to teen art curriculum; develop a GAP year Foundation Art curriculum for high school graduates, and develop summer educator workshops for high school art teachers.
On the Boards — OntheBoards.tv & Media Manager
Oversee the day-to-day management of the OntheBoards.tv program initiative as well as OtB's website and media content.
Pottery Northwest — Development Liaison
Convene and lead a task force group dedicated to audience development.
Pratt Fine Arts Center — Marketing Director
Develop and oversee all marketing, public relations, social networking & advertising related to Pratt's programs: courses, studio rentals, exhibitions, and events.
Ripple Productions — Marketing Associate and Graphic Designer
Manage and facilitate all marketing endeavors including merchandise creation and advertisem*nts as well as design all graphic materials for ads and merchandise.
ROCKiT Community Arts — Director
Act as business & community liaison to build on existing partnerships and sponsorships and direct all ROCKiT programs.
Sanctuary Art Center — Print Manager
Supervise interns as a youth Employment Internship program alumnus and manage aspects of the print shop and retail space.
Seattle Men's Chorus and Seattle Women's Chorus — Marketing and Outreach Associate
Assist in all aspects of marketing, primarily implementing social media strategies, developing outreach projects, and providing back-up support to the box office manager.
Seattle Shakespeare Company — Education Associate/Tour Coordinator
Help facilitate the education and touring programs.
Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra — Director of Composition Contest
Develop and implement an annual Women's Jazz Composition Contest.
SEEDArts — SEEDArts Program Developer
Design and implement new film programs and services that will advance SEEDArts' audience development goals.
Shunpike — Arts Business Clinic Manager
Expand the capacity, reach and scope of the current program by scaling up successful pilot activities, increasing outreach, and broadening the network of experts providing the services.
Simple Measures — Artistic Director
Conceive and create core programming, cultivate major donors and Board, steer the organization's direction and vision.
Theatre Off Jackson — Marketing & Branding Coordinator
Build a public profile and increase ticket sales for productions and events at TOJ.
Unified Outreach — Computer Lab Attendant
Manage drop-in hours for clients interested in Arts & Tech job training, music & video production and cartoon animation.
Washington State Jewish Historical Society — Social Media Coordinator
Establish, curate, and maintain an interactive treasury of audio, video, text- and image-based content, in the form of a blog, to promote engagement with Washington's Jewish history and culture.